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PUBLICATIONS | GROUP A - Cities and Spatial Dynamics



marca 2017

Jesus, S.N., Panagopoulos, T., Silva, J.A. & Noronha, T. (Eds.) (2017). Interdisciplinarity in social and human sciences: Prospecting well-being in society. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 5(3). Faro, Portugal: CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, University of Algarve. ISSN 2183-1912.

Rosa, M. & Almeida, C.R. (Eds.) (2017). Acessibilidade universal. OMNIA - Revista Interdisciplinar de Ciências e Artes, 6. Faro, Portugal. ISSN 2183-8720.

marca 2016

Noronha, T. and Pinto, H. (eds.) (2016). Innovation for Resiliency. University of Algarve. 287 pp. ISBN: 978-989-8472-90-8.

Noronha, T. (2016). Economia Agroalimentar: História recente do sector em Portugal. Edições Silabo. 250 pp.

Covas, A. (2016). A Contingência Europeia: As Linhas de Fractura e a Transição para a União Política. Lisboa. Edições Sílabo. 278 pp. ISBN: 978-972-618-849-0.

marca 2015

Almeida, C. (2015). Transporte aéreo, acessibilidades e turismo. Importância para o desenvolvimento de novos segmentos de procura turística. Cadernos do Grei. Nº 29 [maio de 2015]. Grupo de Estudos Interdisciplinares. Universidade do Algarve [E-book].

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2015). Multiterritorialidades I: Temas e problemas de governança e desenvolvimento territoriais. Editora Colibri. Lisboa. 228 pp. ISBN: 978-989-689-423-8.

Loures, L. and Pereira, A. (2015). Multiplicidade local – A aplicação de Fundos Comunitários como motor de dinamização do Alto Alentejo. Centro de Informação Europe Direct do Alto Alentejo. Depósito Legal: 402990/15. ISBN: 978-989-8806-07-9.

Barreira, A.P., Panagopoulos, T. and Guimarães, M.H. (2015). Políticas de Regeneração Urbana: Opiniões dos residentes em cidades que estão a perder população. Policy Brief. Universidade do Algarve. Faro. 18pp. Doi:

Barreira, A.P., Panagopoulos, T. and Guimarães, M.H. (2015). Políticas para cidades que perdem população. Universidade do Algarve. Faro. 81pp. ISBN: 978-989-8472-66-3.

Almeida, C. and Costa, V. (Guest Editors) (2015). Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics: Transporte Aéreo. CIEO - Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. University of Algarve. Faro. III(4). ISSN: 2183-1912. [].

Noronha T. and Nijkamp, P. (Guest Editors) (2015). International Journal of Global Environmental Issues: Cities as Engines for Sustainable Development. 14(1/2) (indexed SCOPUS)

Arsanjani, J.J. and Vaz, E. (Guest Editors) (2015) Sustainability: Earth Observation and Geoinformation Technologies for Sustainable Development, MDPI – Open Access Publishing. ISSN: 2071-1050.

Noronha T. and Vaz, E. (Guest Editors) (2015) Land: A Land Use Perspective of the Safeguarding Coastal Areas, MDPI – Open Access Publishing. ISSN: 2073-445X.

Vaz, E., Kourtit, K., Painho M. and Nijkamp, P. (editors) (2015) Habitat International: Exploratory Spatial Analysis of Urban Habitats. 45(Part 2). Elsevier.

marca 2014

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2014). A construção social dos territórios-rede: A inteligência territorial da 2ª ruralidade. 1ª edição.Editora Liber Ars. Brasil. [eBook Kindle]. ASIN: B00R0HR5ZY.

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2014), Os territórios-rede: a inteligência territorial da 2ª ruralidade. 1ª edição. Editora Colibri. Lisboa. ISBN: 978-989-689-423-8.

Loures, L., Dias, S., Nunes, J., Viegas, A. and Ramos, T. (2014). Incêndios Florestais – Avaliação, Efeitos e Medidas Corretivas. C3i, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portalegre. ISBN: 978-989-98406-9-0.

Mastorakis, N., Sokolov, V., Neck, R., Juliao, R., Wang, J., Karymbalis, E., Yilmaz, L., Schmitter, E., Rosen, M., Perryman, R., Corbi, O., Razeghi, M., Zhang, J., Lofland, S., Loures, L. and Liandong. Z. (Eds) (2014). Advances in Environmental Sciences, Development and Chemistry. Santorini. ISBN: 978-1-61804-239-2.

Barreira, A.P. (Guest Editor) (2014). Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Public policies for urban revitalization. Vol. II, Issue 4. ISSN: 2183-1912.

Bostenaru, D.M. and Panagopoulos, T. (2014). Digital representation of the impact of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. Ion Mincu Publishing House, Bucharest. 118pp. ISBN: 978-606-638-0850.

Bostenaru, D.M. and Panagopoulos, T. (2014). Digital representation of the impact of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. In: Sergiu, N. (ed), Bienala Nationala de Architectura. Ion Mincu Publishing House, Bucharest. 304 pp. ISBN: 978-606-638-100-0.

marca 2013

Noronha Vaz, T., van Leeuwen, E. and Nijkamp, P. (eds) (2013). Towns in a Rural World. Ashgate. 410pp. ISBN: 978-1-4094-7159-2.

Covas, A. (2013). União Europeia: Os bens comuns da futura federação europeia. Editora Colibri. Lisboa. 193pp. ISBN: 978-989-689-373-6.

Henriques, C. et al. (eds) (2013). Inovação e Qualidade na Hotelaria, Tourism and Management Studies Conference Series. UALG/ESGHT. ISBN: 97898947537-3.

Romão, J. (2013). Turismo e Lugar: Diferenciação Territorial, Competitividade e Sustentabilidade em Turismo. Escolar Editora. Lisboa. 198pp. ISBN: 9789725923931.

Rato Nunes, J., López-Piñero, A., Loures, L., Viegas, A. and Pimentel, J. (2013). Contributos para a Sustentabilidade do Regadio a Sul do Tejo. C3I. Portalegre. 96pp. ISBN: 978-989-98406-8-3.

Carrasqueira, H., Cesário, M., Neves, O., Pereira, C., Guerreiro, J. et al. (2013). Conceção e Operacionalização de um Dispositivo de Monitorização Trajetória Académica e de Inserção de Diplomados da UALG-1ª Fase. UALG. Faro. 112pp. ISBN: 978-989-8472-43-4.

Carrasqueira, H., Cesário, M., Neves, O., Pereira, C., Guerreiro, J. et al. (2013). Conceção e Operacionalização de um Dispositivo de Monitorização Trajetória Académica e de Inserção de Diplomados da UALG-2ª Fase, UALG. Faro. 190pp. ISBN: 978-989-8472-44-1.

Fernandes, S. and Cesário, M. (2013). Discussion Papers: New Approaches to Management, Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. University of Algarve, Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 12. 72pp. ISSN: 1647-3183.

Do Ó, A. (2013). Gestão do Risco de Seca no Algarve. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Lisboa. 406pp. ISBN: 978-972-31-1467-6.

marca 2012

Domínguez, J. A., García, E. B. (2012). Riesgos sociales y culturales para la salud de los andaluces. IECA-Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla. ISBN: 978-84-96659-98-8

Covas, A. e Covas, M. M. (2012). A caminho da 2ª ruralidade: uma introdução à temática dos sistemas territoriais. Editora Colibri. Lisboa. ISBN: 978-989-689-263-0

Covas, A (2012). Dez teses sobre a Europa Federal. Edição da Universidade do Algarve. Faro. ISBN: 978-989-8472-22-9

Fayos-Solà, E., Silva, J.A.M., Jafari, J. (2012). Knowledge Management in Tourism: Policy and Governance Applications. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice Series, vol.4, Emerald Books, Bingley. ISBN: 978-1-78052-980-6

Ramos, R.A.R., Straupe, I., Panagopoulos, T. (2012). Recent Researches in Environment, Energy Systems and Sustainability, WSEAS Press, Faro, Portugal, ISBN: 978-1-61804-088-6, 297pp

Burley, J., Loures, L., Panagopoulos, T. (2012). Recent Researches in Environmental Science and Landscaping, WSEAS Press, Faro, Portugal, ISBN: 978-1-61804-090-9, 226pp

Gualda Caballero, E. (2012). Población extranjera en Andalucía y sus redes familiares. Sevilla: Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía, ISBN: 978-84-96659-84-1. URL: poblacionextranjera/poblacionextranjera.pdf

N. Ramos, E. Mendes, A. I. Silva & J. Porfírio (Eds.) (2012), Família, Educação e Desenvolvimento no Século XXI – Olhares Interdisciplinares. Portalegre: Escola Superior de Educação – Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre. ISBN: 978-989-96701-3-6, URL:,%20Educa%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20e%20Desenvolvimento%20no%20sec.%20XXI/ebook%20-%20Fam%C3%ADlia,%20educa%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20e%20desenvolvimento%20sec%20XXI.pdf

Singh, P, Bhandarkar, A. and Rai, S. (2012). Millennials at Workplace, Sage Publication. 272 pp. ISBN: 9788132108986.

marca 2011

Covas, A. (2011) “Europa Federal e Quarta República Portuguesa”. Editora Colibri. Lisboa. ISBN: 978-989-689-137-4

Covas, A. e Covas, M. (2011) “A Grande Transição – Pluralidade e Diversidade no Mundo Rural”. Editora Colibri. Lisboa. ISBN: 978-989-689-084-1

Covas, A. e Covas, M. (2011) “A Grande Transição – Pluralidade e Diversidade no Mundo Rural”. Editora Colibri. Lisboa. ISBN: 978-989-689-084-1

Gualda Caballero, E. (2011) “Población extranjera en Andalucía y sus redes familiares”. Sevilla: Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía. ISBN: 978-84-96659-84-1

marca 2010

Covas, A. e Covas, M. (2010), Ruralidades V: modernização ecológica, serviços ecossistémicos e riscos globais. Edição da Universidade do Algarve, 334 pp.

Domínguez, J.A. e García, B. (2010), Edad, dependencia y consecuencias sociosanitarias en Andalucía. Instituto Estadístico de Andalucía.

Panagopoulos, T.; Vaz, T. N. and Beltrão, J. (2010), Advances in Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainability. Wseas Press, Faro, Portugal, (ISBN: 978-960-474-244-8), 185pp.

Panagopoulos, T. (2010), Advances in Climate Change, Global Warming, Biological Problems and Natural Hazards. Wseas Press, Faro, Portugal, (ISBN: 978-960-474-247-9), 130pp.

marca 2009

Covas, A. (2009). Integração europeia, relações ibéricas e política de regionalização, Editora Colibri, Lisboa. ISBN: 978-972-772-889-3, 303 pp.

Covas, A. e Covas, M. M. (2009), Ruralidades IV: Retratos portugueses de agricultura multifuncional, Série Economia e Gestão, Faro, Edições da Universidade do Algarve.

Mastorakis, N., Helmis, C., Papageorgiou, C.D., Bulucea, C.A., Panagopoulos, T. (2009). Energy, Environment, Ecosystems, Development and Landscape Architecture. WSEAS Press, Athens, Greece. ISBN 978-960-474-125-0, 369pp.

Panagopoulos, T. (2009). "New Models for Innovative Management and Urban Dynamics", University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, (ISBN: 978-972-9341-85-4), 164pp.

marca 2008

Covas, António Alhinho e Tão, Manuel, “As Relações Transfronteiriças Algarve-Andaluzia. Uma perspectiva Algarvia de vinte anos de cooperação”, pp. 263-306, in “Cooperação Transfronteiriça entre Portugal e Espanha”, (Ed. Luis Dominguez Castro), Biblioteca de Estudos Estratégicos, Vigo, ISBN 978-989-95035-5-7.

Covas, António Alhinho, “Relações Económicas Transfronteiriças no Sudoeste da Península Ibérica”, pp. 215-237, in “La Asimetria Institucional entre Espanha e Portugal en el Marco de la Cooperación Transfronteiriça (Andaluzia, Algarve e Alentejo)”, (Ed:) Pablo António Fernandez Sanchez, Barcelona, ISBN 978-84-96758-40-7.

Covas, António Alhinho, “Ruralidades III: temas e problemas de ruralidade pós-agrícolas e pós-convencional”, Universidade do Algarve, ISBN 978-972-9341-78-6.

Hernández, R.P.; Figueira, A.C.; Lira, A.Q. (2008). Tratamiento Terciario Para Agua Residual De Planta Que Contiene Lactosuero Dulce. In: Experiencias para el Bio-Procesamiento del Lactosuero en el Valle de Tulancingo. Cap. V, pp. 119-139. Rafael Germán Campos Montiel (Coordinador). Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo, México. ISBN: 978-607-482-002-7.

Panagopoulos T., Burley J.B. (eds) 2008. New Aspects of Landscape Architecture. WSEAS Press, Athens, Greece (ISBN: 978-960-6766-72-5), 189pp.

Panagopoulos T., Burley J.B., Celikyay S. (eds) 2008. New Aspects of Urban Planning and Transportation. WSEAS Press, Athens, Greece (ISBN: 978-960-6766-87-9), 127pp.

Panagopoulos T., Noronha V.T., Antunes M.D.C, (eds) 2008. New Aspects of Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development. WSEAS Press, Athens, Greece (ISBN: 978-960-6766-71-8), 588pp.

Panagopoulos, T., Vaz, M.T.N., Antunes, M.D.C. and Burley, Jon Bryan (Eds), (2008), Proceedings of the 4th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, ISBN: 970-960-6766-73-2, ISSN: 1790-5095.

Vaz, M.T.N., Nijkamp, P. and Rastoin, J.L., (Eds), (2008), Traditional food production and rural sustainable development: A European Challenge, Pub: Ashgate, Economic Geography Series, London, United Kingdom.

marca 2007

Covas, A. A. (2007), A Governança Europeia, Edições Colibri, Lisboa.

Covas, A. A. (2007), Ruralidades I, temas e problemas do mundo rural, Edição da Universidade do Algarve.

Covas, A. A. (2007), Ruralidades II, Agricultura Multifuncional e Desenvolvimento Rural, Edição da Universidade do Algarve.

Markatos, N., Stamou, A., Beltrão, J., Panagopoulos, T., Helmis, C., Stamatiou, E., Hatzopoulou, A., Antunes, M. D. C. (eds.) (2007). Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, WSEAS Press, ISBN: 987-950-8457-881, 654 pp.

Marques, J. F. (2007), Do «não racismo» português aos dois racismos dos portugueses, Lisboa, Alto Comissariado para a Imigração e Diálogo Intercultural / Col. Teses, nº 12, Lisboa.

Book Chapters

marca 2018

Panguila, E.A., de Sousa, M.I., Esteves E. & Figueira A.C. (2018). Evaluation of the freshness and shelf-Life of fresh and chilled mackerel (Scomber Spp.) and horse mackerel (Trachurus Spp.), marketed in Luanda (Angola) and in Faro (Portugal). In A. Mortal, J. Aníbal, J. Monteiro, C. Sequeira, J. Semião, M. Moreira da Silva & M. Oliveira (Eds.), INCREaSE 2017 (pp. 168-189). Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-70271-1.

de Sousa, M.I., Panguila, E.A., Figueira, A.C. & Esteves, E. (2018). Freshness and nutritional composition of several species of chilled seafood marketed in Luanda (Angola) and in Faro (Portugal). In A. Mortal, J. Aníbal, J. Monteiro, C. Sequeira, J. Semião, M. Moreira da Silva & M. Oliveira (Eds.), INCREaSE 2017 (pp. 158-167). Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-70271-1.

Rosa, M., Martins, C., Rodrigues, J. (2018). The development of indicators of sustainable mobility associated with an urbanism of proximity. The case of the city of Faro. In A. Mortal, J. Aníbal, J. Monteiro, C. Sequeira, J. Semião, M. Moreira da Silva & M. Oliveira (Eds.), INCREaSE 2017 (pp. 47-66). Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-70271-1.


marca 2017

Barreira, A.P. Ramalho, J.J.S., Panagopoulos, T. & Guimarães, M.E. (2017). What is more important to residents: a city’s attractiveness or citizens’ residential satisfaction? An analysis of the explanatory attributes in shrinking cities of Portugal. In P. Kraeger, S. Cloutier & C. Talmage (Eds.), New dimensions in community well-being (pp. 129-151). Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-55407-5.

Granja-Martins, F.M., Fernandez, H.M., Lança, R., Rodrigues, J. & Pedras, C.M.G. (2017). Precision technologies help municipalities in fire prevention. In A.J.B. Gonçalves, A.A.B. Vieira, M.R.M. Costa & J.T.M. Aranha (Eds.), Wildfires: perspectives, issues and challenges of the 21st century (pp. 161-183). Hauppauge, New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. ISBN 978-1-53612-890-1. 

O’Brien, L., De Vreese, R., Olafsson, A.S., Sievänen, T., Brennan, M., Sánchez, S., Panagopoulos, T., de Vries, S., Kern, M., Gentin, S., Saraiva, G. & Almeida, A. (2017). Social and environmental justice: Diversity in access to and benefits from urban green infrastructure – examples from Europe. In D. Pearlmutter, C. Calfapietra, R. Samson, L. O'Brien, S. Krajter Ostoić, G. Sanesi & R. Alonso del Amo (Eds.), The urban forest (pp. 153-190). Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-50279-3.

Panagopoulos, T. (2017). Urban adaptation to climate change: the role of the landscape architecture. In M.B. Dan & M.A. Anghelache (Eds.), Natural and man-made hazard impact on urban areas (pp. 13-17). Bucurest, Romania: Editura Universitară Ion Mincu. ISBN 978-606-638-164-2.

Terkenli, S.T., Zivojinovic, I., Tomićević-Dubljević, J., Panagopoulos, T., Straupe, I., Toskovic, O., Kristianova, K., Straigyte, L., O’Brien, L. & Bell, S. (2017). Recreational use of urban green infrastructure: The tourist’s perspective. In D. Pearlmutter, C. Calfapietra, R. Samson, L. O'Brien, S. Krajter Ostoić, G. Sanesi & R. Alonso del Amo (Eds.), The urban forest (pp. 191-216). Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-50279-3.

marca 2016

Cavaco, T. and Figueira, A. C. (2016). Functional Properties of Honey and Some Traditional Honey Products from Portugal. In: Kristberg Kristbergsson and Semih Ötles (eds.). Functional Properties of Traditional Foods. Chapter 24. pp. 339-352, Springer Science+Business Media New York. ISBN: 978-1-4899-7660-4. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4899-7662-8.

Burley, J., Machemer, T., Xiaowen, J., Kaya, S. and Loures, L. (2016). Art and Environmental Theory. In: Burley, J. and Machemer, T. (eds.). From eye to heart – Exterior spaces explored ad explained. Cognella. SanDiego. USA. pp. 508-541. ISBN: 978-1-63487-685-8.

Burley, J., Machemer, T., Wang H., Kaya, S. and Loures, L. (2016). Environmental Research. In Burley, J. and Machemer, T. (eds.). From eye to heart – Exterior spaces explored ad explained. Cognella. San Diego. USA. pp. 542-559. ISBN: 978-1-63487-685-8.

Almeida, C. R., Fraga, C. and Borges, V. L. B. (2016). Novos desafios, estratégias e tendências para o desenvolvimento do turismo ferroviário-gastronómico no Brasil e Portugal. Capítulo VI. In: Santos, M. C., Afonso, C., Santos, J. A., Alcoforado, E. and Águas, P. (eds.). Desafios, estratégias e tendências em turismo e hotelaria, pp. 125-147. Faro, University of Algarve. ISBN: 978-989-8472-97-7.

Pinto, H. and Noronha, T. (2016). Resilience for Innovation - A Research Agenda.  In: Noronha T. and Pinto, H. (eds.). Innovation for Resiliency. pp. 11-16. University of Algarve. ISBN: 978-989-8472-90-8.

Noronha, T. and del Pino, V. (2016). Technological Learning: Experience Curve as a Resilient Learning Mechanism. In: Noronha, T. and Pinto, H. (eds.). Innovation for Resiliency. pp. 169-181. University of Algarve.

Noronha, T. and Vaz, E. (2016). Space and innovation: Innovative businesses behaviour in territories: The Portuguese case. In: Neto and Serrano (eds.). Space: Multidisciplinary perspectives on the construction of territories. pp. 107-122. Sílabo. Lisbon.

marca 2015

Monteiro, V., Henriques, R., Painho, M. and Vaz, E., (2015). “Sensing World Heritage: An Exploratory Study of Twitter as a Tool for Assessing Reputation”. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8580: 404–419. Dordrecht: Springer.

Loures, L., Meireles, F., Costa, L., Loures, A. and Nunes, J. (2015). “The effectiveness of postindustrial redevelopment towards urban sustainability – the Portuguese experience”. In Bulucea, A., Burley, J. & Machemer, T. (Eds.). Advances in Energy and Environmental Science and Engineering. pp. 55-59. Athens: WSEAS Press. ISBN: 978-1-61804-338-2.

Meireles, F., Loures, L. and Costa, L. (2015). “Revealing people’s patterns of occupation – Mondego park case-study”. In Bulucea, A., Burley, J. & Machemer, T. (Eds.). Advances in Energy and Environmental Science and Engineering. pp. 49-54. Athens: WSEAS Press. ISBN: 978-1-61804-338-2.

Costa, L., Meireles, F. and Loures, L. (2015). “Public transport on rails and green public spaces”. In Bulucea, A., Burley, J. & Machemer, T. (Eds.). Advances in Energy and Environmental Science and Engineering. pp. 60-63. Athens: WSEAS Press. ISBN: 978-1- 61804-338-2.

Noronha, T. and Vaz, E. (2015). “Space and innovation: Innovative businesses behaviour in territories: The Portuguese case”. In Neto & Serrano (Eds). Space: Multidisciplinary perspectives on the construction of territories. pp. 107–122. Lisbon: Sílabo.

Covas, A. and Covas, M. (2015). “A Dieta Mediterrânica - Entre a tradição e a inovação - Uma oportunidade para o rural tradicional algarvio”. In Definindo Dieta Mediterrânica – Património Cultural da Humanidade. E-Book, Faro: Universidade do Algarve. pp. 276 – 286. ISBN 978-989-8472-73-1.

marca 2014

Becerra, D., Sánchez-Llerena, J., Peña, D., López-Piñeiro, A. Albarrán, A., Rato-Nunes, J. and Loures, L. (2014). “Short Term Effect of Different Management Practices on Rice Production and 50 Agronomic Behavior in Mediterranean Conditions”. In Mastorakis, N., Sokolov, V., Neck, R., Juliao, R., Wang, J., Karymbalis, E., Yilmaz, L., Schmitter, E., Rosen, M., Perryman, R., Corbi, O., Razeghi, M., Zhang, J., Lofland, S., Loures, L. and Liandong. Z. (Eds). Advances in Environmental Sciences, Development and Chemistry. Santorini. pp. 336-339. ISBN: 978-1-61804-239-2.

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2014). “Os territórios-rede: uma nova inteligência territorial em Portugal”. In Dallabrida, Valdir Roque (Org.). Desenvolvimento territorial: políticas públicas brasileiras, experiências internacionais e a Indicação Geográfica como referência. S. Paulo, Editora LiberArs. pp. 97-119. ISBN: 978-85-64783-44-7.

Loures, L., Loures, A., Nunes, J. and Panagopoulos, T. (2014). “Using direct and indirect methods of landscape evaluation on environmental amenities valuation”. In Mastorakis, N., Sokolov, V., Neck, R., Juliao, R., Wang, J., Karymbalis, E., Yilmaz, L., Schmitter, E., Rosen, M., Perryman, R., Corbi, O., Razeghi, M., Zhang, J., Lofland, S., Loures, L. and Liandong. Z. (Eds).  Advances in Environmental Sciences, Development and Chemistry. Santorini. pp. 136-141. ISBN: 978-1-61804-239-2.

Loures, L., Nunes, J., López-Piñero, A., Loures, A. and Navarro, A. (2014). “Assessing the relation between Soil Edaphic Properties and Phosphorus Adsorption in Extremadura (Spain) Vertisols”. In Mastorakis, N., Sokolov, V., Neck, R., Juliao, R., Wang, J., Karymbalis, E., Yilmaz, L., Schmitter, E., Rosen, M., Perryman, R., Corbi, O., Razeghi, M., Zhang, J., Lofland, S., Loures, L. and Liandong. Z. (Eds). Advances in Environmental Sciences, Development and Chemistry. Santorini. pp. 136-141. ISBN: 978-1-61804-239-2.

Rato Nunes, J., Cabral, F., López-Piñeiro, A., Loures, L., Becerra, D. (2014). “Effect of Secondary Pulp Mill Sludge Application as Soil Organic Amendment in Nitrate Leaching”. In Mastorakis, N., Sokolov, V., Neck, R., Juliao, R., Wang, J., Karymbalis, E., Yilmaz, L., Schmitter, E., Rosen, M., Perryman, R., Corbi, O., Razeghi, M., Zhang, J., Lofland, S., Loures, L. and Liandong. Z. (Eds). Advances in Environmental Sciences, Development and Chemistry. Santorini. pp. 169-172. ISBN: 978-1-61804-239-2.

Rato Nunes, J., Ramos-Miras, J., Lopez-Piñeiro, A., Loures, L., Gil, C., Coelho, J. and Peña, D. (2014). “Geochemical Baseline Concentrations of Available Heavy Metals in Mediterranean Agricultural Soils: A Case Study in Calcareous Soils of Southwest Iberian Peninsula”. In Mastorakis, N., Sokolov, V., Neck, R., Juliao, R., Wang, J., Karymbalis, E., Yilmaz, L., Schmitter, E., Rosen, M., Perryman, R., Corbi, O., Razeghi, M., Zhang, J., Lofland, S., Loures, L. and Liandong. Z. (Eds). Advances in Environmental Sciences, Development and Chemistry. Santorini. pp. 235-240. ISBN: 978-1-61804-239-2.

Vaz, E., Noronha, M. T. and Nijkamp, P. (2014). “The Spatial-Institutional Architecture of Innovative Behaviour”. Advances in Spatial Science, Applied Regional Growth and Innovation Models. pp. 35-50. Springer: Dordrecht. ISBN: 978-3-642-37819-5.

Monteiro, V., Henriques, R., Painho, M. and Vaz, E. (2014). “Sensing World Heritage”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume 8580, 2014. pp. 404-419. Springer: Dordrecht.

Almeida, C. (2014). “Turismo residencial. Do conhecimento às estratégias”. In Costa, C., Brandão, F., Costa, R. and Breda, Z. (Eds.) Produtos e competitividade do turismo na lusofonia. Lisboa, Escolar Editora. pp. 257-270.

marca 2013

van Leeuwen, E., Nijkamp, P., Akgün, A. A. and Gheasi, M. (2013). “Foresight, Scenarios and Sustainable Development - A Pluriformity Perspective”. In Maria Giaoutzi, Bartolomeo Sapio (ed). Recent Developments in Foresight Methodologies. Complex Networks and Dynamic Systems. Volume 1. Springer. 237-252.

Noronha Vaz, T., van Leeuwen, E. and Nijkamp, P. (2013). “Lessons from successful small towns”. In Teresa de Noronha Vaz, Eveline van Leeuwen and Peter Nijkamp (eds). Towns in a Rural World. Ashgate Publishing. 367-371.

Covas, A. and Tão, M. (2013). “Caracterização socioeconómica da região de fronteira Algarve-Huelva”. In Castro, Luis Dominguez. Estudio Sócio Económico de la Frontera entre Portugal y España. Salamanca. Edições Riet. 385-457. ISBN: 978-84-7797-403-1.

Barreira, A. P. (2013). “Social and political determinants of the area of influence of medium-sized cities in Portugal 2”. In Peter Nijkamp and Teresa de Noronha (eds). Towns in a Rural World. Ashgate Publishing. Chapter 7. 149-171. ISBN: 978-1-4094-0692-1.

Barreira, A. P. (2013). “A participação eleitoral em Portugal e na Europa: um puzzle de contradições”. In Lopes. J. C., Santos, J., Aubyn, M. and Santos, S. (eds) Estudos de Homenagem a João Ferreira do Amaral. Fundação Económicas. 179-200. ISBN: 9789724051987.

Pintassilgo, P. and Silva, J. A. (2013). “Tragedy of the Commons in the Tourism Accommodation Industry”. In Larry Dwyer and Neelu Seetaram (ed). Recent Developments in the Economics of Tourism. Chapter 28. 367-382. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Bakillah, M., Domínguez, J. A. and Zipf, A. (2013). “Multi-agents Evacuation Simulation Data Model with Social Considerations for Disaster Management Context”. In Zipf, A. et al. Intelligent systems for crisis management. Springer. Berlin. 3-15.

Matos, N., Mendes, J. and P. Valle (2013). “Sun, Beach, Food and Friendliness: An Exploratory Study of the Algarve’s Tourism Destination Image”. In Santos, J., Serra, F. and P. Águas (eds). Strategies in Tourism Organizations and Destinations. University of Algarve. 115-128.

Marques, J. F. (2013). “O racismo e a modernidade: algumas reflexões a partir da Sociologia”. In Manuel Carlos Silva (org). Racismo e Etnicidade. Edições Húmus – Centro de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. Braga. 1-21.

Marques, J. F. (2013). “O racismo contra as coletividades ciganas em Portugal: sequelas de uma modernização”. In Maria Manuela Mendes and Olga Magano (Org.) Ciganos Portugueses Olhares Plurais e Novos Desafios numa Sociedade em Transição. Mundos Sociais. Lisboa. 111-122. ISBN: 978-989-8536-26-6.

Campos-Montiel, R. , Pimentel-González, D. and Figueira, A. (2013). “Chemical and Functional Properties of Food Components”. In Advances in Food Science and Technology. Visak, P.M., S. Thomas, L.B. Iturriaga and P.D. Ribotta (eds.). Scrivener Publishing & Wiley. New Jersey. 151-184. ISBN: 978-1-118-12102-3.

Figueiredo, J. and Henriques, C. (2013). “A extensabilidade da ‘vida boa’ na experiência neorresidencial algarvia”. In Almeida, C., Almeida, Cl., Serra, F., Santos, J., Aguas, P. Turismos: Mobilidades e Territórios, Tourism and Management Studies Conference Series. UALG/ESGHT. Chapter 2. 97-110.

Molokoyedova, O., Henriques, C., Santos, J. (2013). “Tourism and gastronomy: the Evaluation of the Algarve by British tourists”. In Santos, J., Serra, F., Águas, P. Strategies in Tourism Organization and Destination. UALG/ESGHT. 129-140.

Romão, J., Guerreiro, J. and Rodrigues, P. (2013). “Competitiveness and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations”. In Matias, Nijkamp and Sarmento (eds). Quantitative Methods in Tourism Economics. Springer-Verlag. Berlin Heidelberg. 271-286. ISBN: 978-3-7908-2879-5.

Loures, L., Nunes, J. and Viegas, A. (2013). “Transforming Post-Industrial Infrastructure: applying Reversed Translational Research as a redevelopment strategy”. In Department of Architectural Science – Ryerson University. IC Adaptation and Movement in Architecture. Ryerson University. Toronto. 342-349. ISBN: 978-1-62776-417-9.

Viegas, A., Loures, L. and Nunes, J. (2013). “A aplicação de métodos diretos e indiretos de avaliação da paisagem na valoração de amenidades ambientais”. In Martins, A., Milheiro, E., Alves, J., Nunes, J. and Cardoso, L. O Futuro do Mundo Rural em Questão. C3I-IPP. Portalegre. ISBN: 978-989-98406-7-6.

Samora Arvela, A., Panagopoulos, T. (2013). “Landscape change following the Alqueva dam construction”. In C. Newman, Y. Nussaume and B. Pedroli (Eds). Landscape & Imagination: towards a new baseline for education in a changing world. UNISCAPE. Florence/Bandecchi & Vivaldi. Pontedera. Italy. 539-544. ISBN: 978-88-8341-548-7.

Panagopoulos, T. and Ferreira, V. (2013). “Sustainable landscape management to decrease soil erosion risk and extend the life of dams”. In J.B. Burley (ed). Modern Landscape Architecture. WSEAS Press. Nanjing. China. 44-48. ISBN: 978-960-474-355-1.

Porfírio, J., Jacquinet, M. and Carrilho, T. (2013). “The Impact of ICT and Online Social Networks on Health and Social Services”. In Cruz-Cunha, M. M., Miranda, I. M. and Gonçalves, P. Handbook of Research on ICTs and Management Systems for Improving Efficiency in Healthcare and Social Care. IGI Global, 1224-43.

Carrilho, T (2013). “Construção de parcerias para a promoção da integração social e do emprego – o caso da Cruz Vermelha de Vila Nova de Gaia”. In Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais em Sociologia Industrial, das Organizações e do Trabalho (ed) Relações Sociais em Tempo de Crise: Trabalho, Emprego e Justiça Social. Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais em Sociologia Industrial, das Organizações e do Trabalho. Lisboa. 453-466. ISBN 978-989-95465-3-0.

Carrilho, T (2013). “Maturação e eficácia de parcerias para a promoção da integração social e do emprego – o caso da Cruz Vermelha de Vila Nova de Gaia”. In Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais em Sociologia Industrial, das Organizações e do Trabalho (ed) Relações Sociais em Tempo de Crise: Trabalho, Emprego e Justiça Social. Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais em Sociologia Industrial, das Organizações e do Trabalho. Lisboa. 467-481. ISBN: 978-989-95465-3-0.

Porfírio, J. (2013). “Critique of New Economic Geography to Understand Rural Development: The Influence of Corporate Strategy”. In de Vaz, Teresa N., van Leeuwen, Eveline and Nijkamp, Peter (eds). Towns in a Rural World. Ashgate Economic Geography Series, Ashgate Publishing Company, USA and UK. Chapter 5. 91-118. ISBN: 978-1-4094-0692-1.

marca 2012

Barreira, A. P. (2012), “Spatial strategic interaction of Portuguese local government expenditures as a factor for regional development: The case of Algarve municipalities”, In Baleiras, R.N. (Ed.) Casos de Desenvolvimento Regional – Exercícios e Soluções, Cap.38, pp. 201-205, Princípia Editora, ISBN: 978-989-716-039-4

Henriques, C. e Custódio, Mª João, (2012), “Turismo e Dança Folclórica: Que Futuro?”, in Malheiros, C., Brasão, I., Dias, F. (coord.), Imagem, Património e Sustentabilidade dos Destinos Turísticos, GITUR – Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Editora Media XXI, Porto, pp. 19-42

Romão, J., Guerreiro, J. and Rodrigues, P. (2012) “Regional Tourism Development: Competitiveness and Sustainability”, in Jafari, Fayos-Solá and Albino (eds) Knowledge Management in Tourism: Policy and Governance Applications - Bridging Theory and Practice Vol. IV, pp. 55-75, UNWTO, Emerald

Andrade, R., Panagopoulos, T. e Loures, L., (2012). “A Sustainable Proposal for the Waterfront Brownfield Reclamation in Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal”. In Burley, J., Loures, L. e Panagopoulos, T. (Eds.) Recent Researches in Environmental Science and Landscaping, Athens, pp. 59-65, ISBN: 978-1-61804-090-9

Burley, J., Loures, L. e Feng, M., (2012). “Developing Polychrome Fields: A Minnesota Case Study”. In Burley, J., Loures, L. e Panagopoulos, T. (Eds.) Recent Researches in Environmental Science and Landscaping, Athens, pp. 90-96, ISBN: 978-1-61804-090-9

Costa, L. e Loures, L., (2012). “The Relevance of Urban Parks to Achieve Sustainable Development in Metropolitan Areas”. In Burley, J., Loures, L. e Panagopoulos, T. (Eds.) Recent Researches in Environmental Science and Landscaping, Athens, pp. 129-134, ISBN: 978-1-61804-090-9

Loures, L., Dias, S., Ramos, T., Nunes, J. e Viegas, A., (2012). “Landscape Assessment and Reclamation Techniques for Severe Forest Fires”. In Ramos, R., Straupe, I. e Panagopoulos, T. (Eds.) Recent Researches in Environment, Energy Systems and Sustainability, Athens pp. 191-196, ISBN: 978-1-61804-088-6

Nunes, J., Loures, L., López-Piñeiro, A., Navarro, A. e Viegas, A., (2012). “Prevision of Phosphorus Adsorption in Extremadura (Spain) Vertisols and there’s Relation with Some Soil Edaphic Properties”. In Ramos, R., Straupe, I. e Panagopoulos, T. (Eds.) Recent Researches in Environment, Energy Systems and Sustainability, Athens pp. 214-219, ISBN: 978-1-61804-088-6

Jacquinet, M., Carrilho, T., e Porfírio, J. (2012). “From local to virtual business networks: the issues at stake”. In M. M. Cruz-Cunha, M. M., Gonçalves, P., Lopes, N., Miranda, E. M. & Putnik, G. (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial and Technological Dimensions – Volume I, IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 645-661, ISBN: 978-1-61350-170-2,

Jacquinet, M., Porfírio, J. e Carrilho, T. (2012). “Saúde electrónica e redes sociais: potencialidades para o desenvolvimento e a inclusão”. In N. Ramos, E. Mendes, A. I. Silva e J. Porfírio (Ed.) Família, Educação e Desenvolvimento no Século XXI – Olhares Interdisciplinares. Portalegre: Escola Superior de Educação – Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, pp. 127-134, ISBN: 978-989-96701-3-6

Carrilho, T. (2012). “Projetos locais para a formação de adultos e para a promoção do emprego e da integração social”. In Ramos, N., Mendes, E., Silva, A. I. e Porfírio, J. (Ed.) Família, Educação e Desenvolvimento no Século XXI – Olhares Interdisciplinares. Escola Superior de Educação – Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, pp. 135-143, ISBN: 978-989-96701-3-6. URL:,%20Educa%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20e%20Desenvolvimento%20no%20sec.%20XXI/ebook%20-%20Fam%C3%ADlia,%20educa%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20e%20desenvolvimento%20sec%20XXI.pdf

Cesário, M., M. T. N. Vaz (2012) “Technological adjustments in textile, clothes and leather industries: an alternative pathway for competitiveness” in C. Karlsson, B. Johansson and R. Stough (Eds) Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 325-357, ISBN 978-1-78100-283-4

Gualda, E. (2012). “Women and men’s young immigrants perceptions and experiencies on discrimination and rejection. The case of the Hiijai study in Huelva (Spain), 2007 and 2010”.  En: Moser, H.; Pilch Ortega, A. y Sprung, A. (eds.), Europe in crisis. Migrations, Racisms and Belongings in the New Economic Order. Proceedings Book, pp. 171-179, ISBN: 978-3-200-02593-6

Rodríguez-Pascual, I.; Gualda Caballero, E.; Andreo-Tudela, J.C. (2012). “Is it possible to measure the process of assessing and recognizing competences of foreigners? Some lessons learned in the Spanish and Andalusian context”. En: Moser, H.; Pilch Ortega, A. y Sprung, A. (eds.), Europe in crisis. Migrations, Racisms and Belongings in the New Economic Order. Proceedings Book, pp. 36-44: ISBN: 978-3-200-02593-6

Márquez, C.; Ruiz, M.; Domínguez, J.A.; Gualda, E. (2012). “Foreign students in the Andalusian compulsory educational system: access and integration”. En: Moser, H.; Pilch Ortega, A. y Sprung, A. (eds.), Europe in crisis. Migrations, Racisms and Belongings in the New Economic Order. Proceedings Book, pp. 77-85, ISBN: 978-3-200-02593-6

Gualda Caballero, E. (2012). “Análisis de Redes Sociales” (31-32); “Camarillas o cliques” (68); “Capital Social” (70-71); “Centralidad y poder” (75); “Equivalencia estructural o similaridad” (191); “Heterofilia” (258); “Homofilia” (268); “Intermediación” (291); “Lazos o vínculos” (305); “Matriz de adyacencia” (318); “Nodo o actor” (350); “Rango” (429); “Reciprocidad” (430); “Sentido de comunidad” (462); “Sociograma” (490). En Fernández, T.; de Lorenzo, R. y Vázquez, O. (eds.): Diccionario de Trabajo Social. Alianza Editorial, Madrid.

Gualda, E.; Fragoso, A.; Lucio-Villegas, E.; González, T. y Martins, V. (2012). “Social Networks and Identity building processes through transnational/ cross regional experiences and experts in southern Europe”. En Pilch-Ortega, A. y Schröttner, B. (eds.), Transnational Spaces and Regional Localization. Social Networks, Border Regions and Local-Global Relations. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, pp. 53-63.

Gualda, E. y Márquez, C. (2012). “The role of transnationalism, personal networks and social networks in the migratory projects of a small Cameroonian community in Huelva”. En Pilch-Ortega, A. y Schröttner, B., Transnational Spaces and Regional Localization. Social Networks, Border Regions and Local-Global Relations. Münster, Waxmann Verlag, pp. 65-80.

Porfirio, J., dos Santos, J. P. (2012). “Online Social and Business Networks’ Implications for Corporate Strategy”, In Cruz-Cunha, M. M., Gonçalves, P., Lopes, N., Miranda, E. M., Putnik, G. D. (2012). Handbook of Research on Business Social Networking: Organizational, Managerial, and Technological Dimensions, Business Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global, USA, pp. 619-44, (ISBN: 978-1-61350-168-9 (hbk.) – ISBN: 978-1-61350-169-6 (ebook) – ISBN: 978-1-61350-170-2 (print & perpetual access) URL:

Porfírio, J. (2012). “First Generation Biofuels' Industry in Portugal: a strategic analysis (in light of Porter's 5 Forces Model)”, In Eslamian, Saeid (Ed.), Recent Advances in Energy, Environment and Economic Development, Proceedings of the 3rd international Conference on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics (DEEE'12), Matematics and Computers in Science and Engineering Series, Nº 6, North Atlantic University Union and WSEAS, Paris, France, 2-4 December 2012, WSEAS Press. URL:

Porfírio, J. (2012). “Does Corporate Strategy Need a Theoretical update in light of the evolution of ICT?”, In Mastorakis, N., Zaitseuz, E., Randgelovic, D., Yuen, K., Carstea, C-G., Capusneanu, S. and Lavion, A. (2012), Mathematical and Information Science and Economics, Mathematical Methods for Information Science and Economics, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Business Administration (ICBA'12), Montreux, Switzerland, Dec. pp. 29-31. 2012, WSEAS Press.4, URL:

Eveline van Leeuwen and Eric Koomen (2012). “Adapting Urban Land Use in a Time of Climate Change; Optimising Future Land-Use Patterns to Decrease Flood Risks”. In: Rattan Lal and Bruxe Augustin (eds), Carbon Sequestration in Urban Ecosystems, Springer, pp. 21-42

Carrasqueira, H. (2012). "Avaliação, Qualidade e Informação Assimétrica". In: Qualidade do Ensino Superior – Isomorfismo, diversidade e Equidade, ed. UALG, ISBN: 978-989-8472-24-3

Santos, J., Vizzotto, M. e Goncalves, G (2012). "Trabalho e Família: conflitos e desafios" In. M. Rezende & M. Geralda (Ed.).  Psicologia e Promoção da Saúde em Cenários Contemporâneos, pp. 61 -78. São Paulo: Editora Vector. ISBN: 978-85-7585-682-6

marca 2011

Akgün, A. A., van Leeuwen, E. S. and Nijkamp, P. (2011) “A Systemic Perspective on Multi-Stakeholder Sustainable Development Strategies”, in Manas Chatterji, Darvesh Gopal, Savita Singh (ed.) Governance, Development and Conflict Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, Volume 18, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.123-146

Barreira, A. P. (2011) “Spatial strategic interaction of Portuguese local government expenditures as a factor for regional development: The case of Algarve municipalities”, In Baleiras, R.N. (Ed.) Casos de Desenvolvimento Regional, Capítulo 38, APDR, pp.449-460. ISBN: 978-989-8131-85-0

Carrilho, T. (2011) “Processos de parceria envolvendo organizações do 3º sector – um estudo de caso”. APSIOT (Org.) XIV Encontro Nacional de SIOT - Emprego e Coesão Social – Da Crise da Regulação à Hegemonia da Globalização. pp. 119-132, APSIOT. Lisboa. ISBN 978-989-95465-2-3

Carrilho, T., Porfírio, J. e Jacquinet, M. (2011) “Redes sociais virtuais e tecnologias da informação e da comunicação no sector da saúde: linhas de força e desafios”. APSIOT (Org.) XIV Encontro Nacional de SIOT - Emprego e Coesão Social – Da Crise da Regulação à Hegemonia da Globalização. pp. 226-237, APSIOT. Lisboa. ISBN 978-989-95465-2-3

Cesário, M., M. T. N. Vaz (2011) “Technological Adjustments in Textiles, Clothes and Leather Industries: an alternative pathway for competitiveness”, in Bernhard (Eds) Innovation and Multidimensional Entrepreneurship - Economic, Social and Academic Aspects, University West, 137-158, ISSN 1653-7831; ISBN 978-91-633-7747-1

Covas, A. (2011) “As relações entre agricultura, ambiente e turismo no quadro da reforma da PAC, algumas reflexões.” In Almonte, J. (Dir.) Recursos, potencialidades y Modelos turísticos em el Baixo Alentejo, Algarve y Província de Huelva. Universidad de Huelva Publicaciones. Huelva. pp. 115-123. ISBN: 978-84-15147-30-5

Covas, A. (2011) “Futuros do mundo rural português, de espaço produtor a espaço produzido: mercados emergentes e neo-rurais”. In Figueiredo, E. O Rural Plural, olhar o presente, imaginar o futuro. Castro Verde. pp. 59-70. ISBN: 978-972-989-8448-06-4

Ferreira, V. Panagopoulos T. (2011) “Predicting risk of soil erosion at the Alqueva dam watershed”. In Lekkas T.D. (ed) Proceedings 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, 8-10 September 2011, Vol B pp. 286-293

Fragoso, A.; Gualda; E.; Lucio-Villegas, E.; Martins, V.; Gualda, J.M.; González, T. (2011) “Desarrollo y identidades en la cooperación transfronteriza: la complejidad de las relaciones España-Portugal”. In Congreso Internacional Cooperación Transfronteriza Andalucía, Algarve y Alentejo. Universidad de Huelva, 13 pp. ISBN 978-84-15147-07-7

González, T.; Gualda, J.M.; Martins, V.; Fragoso, A.; Lucio-Villegas, E. y Gualda, E. (2011) “Biografía, identidad fronteriza-europea y sentidos de pertenencia territorial en Ayamonte y Vila Real de Santo António”. In Congreso Internacional Cooperación Transfronteriza Andalucía, Algarve y Alentejo. Universidad de Huelva, 17 pp. ISBN 978-84-15147-07-7

Gualda Caballero, E. (2011) “Las raíces de la pertenencia y la identidad en adolescentes y jóvenes inmigrantes en Huelva”. In Arjona, A., Checa, J.C. y Belmonte, T. (eds) Biculturalismo y Segundas Generaciones. Integración social, escuela y bilingüismo Icaria & Antrazyt, Barcelona, pp. 223-252

Gualda, E. (2011) “Aprendemos de sus actitudes ante la vida y valores”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 59-77

Gualda, E. (2011) “Demografía y familia: natalidad y rejuvenecimiento de la poblaciónriqueza de la diversidad”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 51-54

Gualda, E. (2011) “Diferentes pero iguales: El ser humano como valor”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 55-58

Gualda, E. (2011) “El quinteto discursivo de las amenazas de la inmigración”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 19-22

Gualda, E. (2011) “Integración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad”. in Gualda, E. (Ed.) Integración, ciudadanía y gestión de la diversidad. Sevilla, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía – Servicio Andaluz de Empleo, pp.15-29

Gualda, E. (2011) “La riqueza de la diversidad”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 39-50

Gualda, E. (2011) “Los inmigrantes aportan riqueza”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 29-38

Gualda, E. (2011) “Múltiples contribuciones”. In Las aportaciones positivas de la inmigración: miradas desde Andalucía. Valencia: Diálogos Red, pp. 23-27

Gualda, E. y Márquez, C. (2011) “Descubriendo la comunidad a través de las redes personales de cameruneses en Huelva”. In II Congreso Internacional África – Occidente: Corresponsabilidad en el Desarrollo. Vol. II. Huelva: Universidad de Huelva, pp. 239-252. ISBN 978-84-15147-27-5

Gualda, E. y Ruiz, M. (2011) “Acceso, condiciones y desigualdades educativas en Camerún desde la experiencia de educadores e inmigrantes”. In II Congreso Internacional África – Occidente: Corresponsabilidad en el Desarrollo. Vol. II. Huelva: Universidad de Huelva, pp. 365 -384 ISBN 978-84-15147-27-5

Gualda; E.; Fragoso, A.; Lucio-Villegas, E.; Gualda, J. M.; González, T. y Martins, V. (2011) “Ayamonte – Vila Real de Santo António: identidades locales fragmentadas e identidad fronteriza por construir”. In Congreso Internacional Cooperación Transfronteriza Andalucía, Algarve y Alentejo. Universidad de Huelva, 17 pp. ISBN 978-84-15147-07-7

Henriques, C. e Moreira, C. (2011) Cap. 13 – “O Produto Turístico e Cultural: Entre o Passado e o Futuro”, in Moura, D.; Carvalho, M.; Lopes, M. A. Consumo e Abastecimento na História, Editora Almedina, Brasil, pp. 295-321

Henriques, C., Custódio, M. J. (2011) “Tourism and Folk Dance in Portugal: What Future Lies Ahead” (Cap 7), In Silva, João A., Jafari, Jafar and Scott, N. (eds) Tourism Development and Management – Challenges and Opportunities for Algarve, Portugal, Universidade do Algarve, pp. 141-159

Jesus, J., Panagopoulos, T. (2011) “Precision agriculture tools for yield and soil parameters relationship in sustainable farming”. In A. Kungolos, A. Karagiannidis, K. Aravossis, P. Samaras, K.W. Schramm (eds) Proceedings 3rd Int. Conf. on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics, Grafima Publ, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 1019-1024

Loures, L. (2011) Post-industrial Landscapes as Redevelopment locus – using regeneration as a growth magnet – the Portuguese experience. In: Tira, M., Van der Krabben, E. e Zanon, B., 2011. Land Management for Urban Dynamics – Innovative methods and practices in a changing Europe. ISBN: 978-88-387-6066-7

Lucio-Villegas, E., Gualda, E., Fragoso, A.; Gualda, J.M.; González, T. y Martins, V. (2011) “Un puente lejano. Las complejas y contradictorias relaciones en la frontera”. In Congreso Internacional Cooperación Transfronteriza Andalucía, Algarve y Alentejo. Universidad de Huelva, 14 pp. ISBN 978-84-15147-07-7

Panagopoulos, T., Andrade, R. R. (2011) “Urban regeneration in small towns of Algarve Portugal”. In Tira M., Krabben E., Zanon B. (Eds) Land management for urban dynamics. Innovative methods and practices in a changing Europe. Maggioli Editore, Milano, pp 529-537. ISBN: 978-88387-6066-7

Porfirio, J. (2011) Biofuels, the black Swan of the renewable energies’ policy in Portugal, in Bojkovic, Z., Kacprzyk, J., Mastorakis, N. (Eds.) And Covaci, B., Bogdan, A. T., Lazarolu, G. (Associate Eds)(2011). Recent Researches in Energy & Environment, 6th IASME/WSEAS International Conference on Energy and Environment (EE’11), Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2011, WSEAS Press, ISSN: 1792-8230. ISBN: 978-960-474-274-5

Porfírio, J. E Santos, J. C. (2011) “Business Intelligence as a Service – Strategic Tools for Competitiveness”, In Cruz-Cunha, M. M., Varajão, J., Powell, P., Martinho, R. (2011), Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CENTERIS 2011) – PART I, Vilamoura, Portugal, October 5-7, 2011, Springer-Verlag, December, pp. 106-118. ISBN: 3642243576

Vaz, E.; Noronha, M. T.; Nijkamp, P.(2011) “Spatial Analysis for Policy Evaluation of the Rural World: Portuguese Agriculture in the Last Decade”, pp. 107-122, (Springer Verlag: Dordrecht).

Figueira, A. C; Makinde, O.; Vieira, M. C. (2011). Process Optimisation of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) Puree as an Ingredient in a Formulation of Weaning Food.  In Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology: Focus on sweet potato, 25 - 34. ISBN: 978-4-903313-82-. Japão: Global Science Books.

Ulloa, P. A.; Rubilar, J. F.; Cruz, R. M. S; Khmelinskii, I.; Brigas, A. F.; FIGUEIRA, ANA C; Vieira, M. C. (2011). Vitamins.  In Practical Food and Research, ed. Rui M. S. Cruz, 115 - 152. ISBN: 978-1-61728-506-6. Estados Unidos: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Fuentes, A. D. H; FIGUEIRA, ANA C; Huezo, M. E. R. (2011). Análisis microbiológicos y fisicoquímicos del agua de manantiales y canales de riego y metales pesados en hortalizas producidas en Tezontepec de Aldama, Hidalgo.  In Reconversión de cultivos-frutales y nuevas alternativas para el desarrollo sustentable de la región de Tezontepec de Aldama (Valle del Mezquital), Hidalgo, ed. Alma Delia Hernández Fuentes; Rafael Campos Montiel; José Manuel Pinedo Espinosa, 17 - 38. ISBN: 978-607-9140-00-7. Tapachula, Chiapas, México: Editorial Ambiente S. A. de C. V.

marca 2010

Marado, Catarina Almeida (2010), “A cidade, os conventos e as suas cercas”.
Queiroz, J. (coord.). A cidade e os mundos rurais. Tavira e as sociedades agrárias. Catálogo da Exposição. Tavira: Câmara Municipal de Tavira, pp. 106-117.

Porfírio, José; Jacquinet, Marc & Carrilho, Tiago (2010), “Business intelligence standardization and corporate strategy: a paradox” (co-autoria) in Varajão, João Eduardo Quintela; Cruz-Cunha, Maria Manuela; Putnik, Goran and Trigo, António (Eds.) Communications in Computer and Information Science, Enterprise Information Systems – International Conference CENTERIS Proceedings Part 2, nº 110, Springer, Berlin, October 2010, pp. 128-137.

Porfírio, José; Jacquinet, Marc & Carrilho, Tiago (2010), “The agricultural district: a conceptual framework for sustainable development issues” (co-autoria) in Panagopoulos, T.; Vaz, T. N. and Beltrão, J. (Eds.) Advances in Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainability – 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainability (URES’10), WSEAS Press., November 2010, pp. 134-138.

Cesário, M. and Vaz, T. N. (2010),“Relocation in Labour-Intensive Sectors from Southern Europe: a threat or a forward looking strategy?” in P. Churski and W. Ratajczak (Eds) Regional Development and Regional Policy in Poland - Part I, Polish Academy of Sciences – Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning, 92-105, ISBN 978-83-89693-28-0.

Finus, M., and Pintassilgo, P. (2010), “Formation of Agreements on Climate Change: The Impact of Uncertainty” in Panagopoulos, T. (ed.), Advances in Climate Changes, Global Warming, Biological Problems and Natural Hazards, 124-129, WSEAS Press

Panagopoulos, T. (2010),“Sustainable planning and management of contemporary cultural landscapes” in Pedroli, B., Goodman, T. (eds) Landscape as a project. Libria, Melfi, Italy, pp: 76-79 and p.157. ISBN: 987-889-60751-2

van Leeuwen, E. S. (2010). "Future Developments in Rural Areas: Combining Micro and Macro", in Urban-Rural Interactions: Towns as Focus Points in Rural Development, Springer, USA, pp. 137-155

van Leeuwen, E. S. (2010). "Microsimulation of Rural Households", in Urban-Rural Interactions: Towns as Focus Points in Rural Development, Springer, USA, pp. 115-135

van Leeuwen, E. S. (2010). "Town and Hinterland Interactions in Rural Areas", in Urban-Rural Interactions: Towns as Focus Points in Rural Development, Springer, USA, pp. 15-36

van Leeuwen, E. S. (2010). "Multifunctionality of Towns: Exploration of the Spatial Behaviour of Households", in Urban-Rural Interactions: Towns as Focus Points in Rural Development, Springer, USA, pp. 37-58

van Leeuwen, E. S. (2010). "Conclusions and a Roadmap to Future Research" in Urban-Rural Interactions: Towns as Focus Points in Rural Development, Springer, USA, pp. 157-167

van Leeuwen, E. S. (2010). "Urban-Rural Interactions Towns as Focus Points in Rural Development Introduction" in Urban-Rural Interactions: Towns as Focus Points in Rural Development, Springer, USA, pp. 1

van Leeuwen, E. S. (2010). "Farms in a Modern World: Local Integration and Off-Farm Employment", in Urban-Rural Interactions: Towns as Focus Points in Rural Development, Springer, USA, pp. 59-78

van Leeuwen, E. S. (2010). "Town-Hinterland Relations: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach", in Urban-Rural Interactions: Towns as Focus Points in Rural Development, Springer, USA, pp. 79-113

Oliveira, F., P. Pintassilgo, I. Mendes, and J.A. Silva (2010). "Planning Forest Recreation: Environmental Economic Instruments and the Public Participation", in Brebbia, C. A. and F. D. Pineda (eds), Sustainable Tourism IV.  Book Series: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 139, pp. 467-476. WIT Press, Southampton.

Pintassilgo, P. and J. A. Silva (2010). "Tragedy of the Commons in the Accommodation Sector", in Silva, J. A., J. Jafari and N. Scott (eds), Tourism Development and Management: Challenges and Opportunities for Algarve, Portugal, Chapter 10, pp. 205-226, Universidade do Algarve.

marca 2009

Mateo, J., Caro, I., Figueira, A.C., Ramos, D. and Zumalacárregui. “Meat Processing in Ibero-American Countries: A Historical View”. (2009). Chapter 7, pp. 121-134. In: Traditional Food Production and Rural Sustainable Development: A European Challenge. Teresa de Noronha Vaz, Peter Nijkamp and Jean-Louis Rastoin (ed.). Ashgate Publishing Limited, England. ISBN 978-0-7546-7462-7.

Panagopoulos T. (2009). From industrial to postindustrial landscapes – brownfield regeneration in shrinking cities. In Eds. Mastorakis, N., Jha, M. Recent Advances in Urban Planning and Transportation, WSEAS Press, Athens, pp: 51-57. ISBN: 978-960-474-102-1.

Panagopoulos, T., (2009). Introduction on New Models for Innovative Management and Urban Dynamics. In Panagopoulos, T. (Ed.) New Models for Innovative Management and Urban Dynamics, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, pp: 69-79. ISBN: 978-972-9341-85-4

Loures, L., Viegas, A., Panagopoulos, T., (2009). Post-industrial landscapes - the case of the Arade river left margin. In Panagopoulos, T. (Ed.) New Models for Innovative Management and Urban Dynamics, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, pp: 69-79. ISBN: 978-972-9341-85-4

Leeuwen, E.S. van, Clarke, G.P. & Rietveld, P. (2009). Microsimulation as a tool in spatial decision making: Simulation of retail developments in a Dutch town. In A. Zaidi, A. Harding & P. Williamson (Eds.), New frontiers in microsimulation modelling (Series Public Policy and Social Welfare / European Centre Vienna, vol. 36) (pp. 97-123). Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.. (VU)

Van Leeuwen, E.S. and P. Nijkamp (2009).  Social Accounting Matrices: The development and application of SAMs at the local level. pp. 229-259. In: Bavaud F. and C. Mager (eds.) Handbook of Quantitative and Theoretical Geography, University of Lausanne.

Leeuwen, E.S. van, Nijkamp, P. & Rietveld, P. (2009). A meta-analytic comparison of regional output multipliers at different spatial levels: Economic impacts of tourism. In A. Matias, M. Sarmento & P. Nijkamp (Eds.), Advances in modern tourism research, voll II (pp. 13-33). Berlin: Springer Verlag. (VU)

Leeuwen, E.S. van, Rietveld, P. & Nijkamp, P. (2009). Multifunctional towns: Effects of new retail developments in rural areas. In F. Brouwer & C.M. van der Heide (Eds.), Multifunctional rural land management; economics and policies (pp. 297-317). London: Earthscan. (VU)

Barreira, Ana Paula (2009), ” Competitividade e Internacionalização – Perfil e Desafios do Tecido Empresarial do Algarve”, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Algarve (ed.), Estudos III, pp.23-5, ISBN: 978-97299397-3-0

Marques, J. F, (2009) Racistas são os outros! Reflexões sobre as origens e os efeitos do «não-racismo» dos portugueses, Estudos III, Faro, Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Algarve, 5-20. ISBN: 978-97299397-3-0

Pita C., P. Pintassilgo, and M. T. Dinis (2009). Fisheries versus Aquaculture on a Typical Portuguese Coastal Community, in Estudos III, pp. 85-100. Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Algarve. ISBN: 978-97299397-3-0

marca 2008

Barreira, Ana Paula, ”Avaliação do Quadro Fiscal Regional: Localização Empresarial e Finanças Locais”, em Caracterização da Estrutura Económica do Algarve, Associação Empresarial da Região do Algarve – NERA (ed.), Cap.5, pp. 162-203.

Cesário, Marisa e Noronha, M.T. (2008) “Factors affecting the adoption of new technologies by labour-intensive firms: an empirical exercise on European southern regions,” in Estudos III, pp 215-238, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal.

Hernández, R. P; FIGUEIRA, ANA C; Lira, A. Q. (2008). Tratamiento Terciario para Agua Residual de Planta que Contiene Lactosuero Dulce.  In Experiencias para el Bio-Procesamiento del Lactosuero en el Valle de Tulancingo, ed. Rafael Germán Campos Montiel, 119-139. ISBN: 978-607-482-002-7. Tulancingo de Bravo, Hidalgo: UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DEL ESTADO DE HIDALGO.

Publications in Peer Review Journals

marca 2018

Articles in Journals with SCOPUS Index

Barreira, A.P., Nunes, L.C., Guimarães, M.H. & Panagopoulos, T. (2018). Satisfied but thinking about leaving: the reasons behind residential satisfaction and residential attractiveness in shrinking Portuguese cities. International Journal of Urban Sciences. In Press, Corrected Proof

Karanikola, P., Panagopoulos, T., Tampakis, S. & Tsantopoulos, G. (2018). Cycling as a smart and green mode of transport in small touristic citiesSustainability10(1), 268.

Naranjo, J.M., Loures, L., Castanho, R.A., Cabezas, J. & Panagopoulos, T. (2018). Assessing the feasibility of GIS multimethod approach to ascertain territorial accessibility to hemodynamics rooms in Spain mainland. Habitat International, 71, 22-28.


Other Peer-reviewed Articles

Rosa, M. & Landim, I. (2018). Atributos de paragens de autocarro acessíveis. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 1(27/28), 197-199.

Rosa, M., Landim, I. & Loureiro, N. (2018). Proposta metodológica para avaliação da acessibilidade universal em percursos pedonais: O caso do centro histórico de Faro. Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, 1(27/28), 385-397.

Solís-Silva, R., Del Razo-Rodríguez, O., Almaraz-Buendia, I., Figueira, A.C., Hernández-Fuentes, A. & Campos-Montiel, R. (2018). Procesamiento de la miel por medio de una tecnología emergente el ultrasonido. BoletíN De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 4(7).


marca 2017

Articles in Journals with SCOPUS Index

Bakour, M., Al-Waili, N.S., El Menyiy, N., Imtara, H., Figueira, A.C., Al-Waili, T. & Lyoussi, B. (2017). Antioxidant activity and protective effect of bee bread (honey and pollen) in aluminum-induced anemia, elevation of inflammatory makers and hepato-renal toxicity. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(13), 4205-4212.  

Barreira, A.P., Agapito, D., Panagopoulos, T. & Guimarães, M.H. (2017). Exploring residential satisfaction in shrinking cities: A decision-tree approach. Urban Research and Practice, 10(2), 156-177.

Barreira, A.P., Ramalho, J.J.S., Panagopoulos, T. & Guimarães, M.E. (2017). Factors driving the population growth and decline of Portuguese cities. Growth and Change, 48(4), 853–868. 

Fuska, J., Kubinský, D., Weis, K., Lackóová, L. Pokrývková, J., Leitmanová, M. & Panagopoulos, T. (2017). Area-storage capacity curve of historic artificial water reservoir Ottergrund, Slovakia – Assessment of the historical data with the use of GIS tools. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 18(1), 49-57.

Karanikola, P., Panagopoulos, T. & Tampakis, S. (2017). Weekend visitors' views and perceptions at an urban national forest park of Cyprus during summertime. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 17, 112-121.

Panagopoulos, T., Ferreira, V., Antunes, D. & Lackóová, L. (2017). Seeking a new strategic research agenda on soil, land-use and land management in Europe. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 210, 347-357.

Pimentel-González, D.J., Basilio-Cortes, U.A., Figueira, A.C., Hernández-Fuentes, A.D. & Campos-Montiel, R.G. (2017). Effect of thermal processing on antibacterial activity of multifloral honeys. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(1) e12279, 1-8.

Silva, C.S., Lackóová, L. & Panagopoulos, T. (2017). Applying sustainability techniques in eco-industrial parks. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 210, 135-145.

Zare, M., Panagopoulos, T. & Loures, L. (2017). Simulating the impacts of future land use change on soil erosion in the Kasilian watershed, Iran. Land Use Policy, 67, 558-572.


Other Peer-reviewed Articles

Almeida, C.R. (2017). Acessibilidades aéreas na Europa. A dinâmica da operação das LCC. O caso da Ryanair. OMNIA, 7, 117-124.

Almeida, S., Fernandez, H., Martins, F., Pedras, C. & Lança, R. (2017). Impact of fuel load on post-fire hydrological soil properties under laboratory conditions. Territorium, 24, 213-219.

Costa, F.; Almeida, C.R. & Martins, A. (2017). Turismo Acessível. Boas práticas, desenvolvimento e desafios na Região do Algarve. OMNIA, 6, 25-38.  

Efthimiu, G., Ntouras, K. & Panagopoulos, T. (2017). Knowledge and attitudes of forestry students on nature and protected areas in Greece. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 5(1), 4-11.

Gomes, R., Pinto, H. & Almeida, C.R. (2017). Second home tourism in the Algarve: The perception of public sector managers. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo, 11(1), 197-217.

Panagopoulos, T., Antunes, D. (2017). The strategic research agenda for integrated spatial planning, land use and land management in Europe. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 223-230.

Rodrigues, A., Rosa, M. & Rebelo, E. (2017). Cultural accessible tourism in Algarve region, case of study. International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism, 3(2), 459-482.

Rosa, M. & Gil, F. (2017). Design universal: A necessidade de uma abordagem transdisciplinar. OMNIA, 6, 15-24.

Samora-Arvela, A., Ferrão, J., Ferreira, J., Panagopoulos, T. & Vaz, E. (2017). Green infrastructure, climate change and spatial planning: learning lessons across borders. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 5(3), 176-188.

Zare, M. & Panagopoulos, T. (2017). Spatial and temporal rainfall erosivity change throughout the 21st century by statistical downscaling model. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 218-222.


marca 2016

Articles in Journals with SCOPUS Index


Alves, D., Barreira, A. P., Guimarães, M. H. and Panagopoulos, T. (2016). Historical trajectories of currently shrinking Portuguese cities: A typology of urban shrinkage. Cities. 52: 20-29.

Arsanjani, J. J., Tayyebi, A. H. and Vaz, E. (2016). GlobeLand30 as an alternative fine- scale global land cover map: Challenges, possibilities, and implications for developing countries. Habitat International. 55: 25-31.

Barreira, A. P, Cesário, M. and Noronha, T. (2016). Pull attributes of the Algarve:the tourists’ view. Tourism Planning & Development. 1-23 | Published online: 07 Jun 2016. DOI:

Barreira, A. P., Agapito, D., Panagopoulos, T. and Guimarães, M. H. (2016). Exploring residential satisfaction in shrinking cities: A decision-tree approach. Urban Research and Practice. DOI:

Castanho, R., Loures, L., Fernandez, J. and Pozo, L. (2016). Identifying critical factors for success in Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) development projects. Habitat International.

Ferreira, V., Samora Arvela, A. and Panagopoulos, T. (2016). Soil erosion vulnerability in scenarios of climate land use changes after the development of a large reservoir in a semi-arid area. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 59(7): 1238-1256.

Fuska, J., Kubinský, D., Weis, K., Lackóová, L. Pokrývková, J., Leitmanová, M. and Panagopoulos, T. (2016). Area-storage capacity curve of historic artificial water reservoir Ottergrund, Slovakia – Assessment of the historical data with the use of GIS tools. Journal of Ecological Engineering. 18(1): 49-57. DOI:

Gago, C. M. L., Guerreiro, A. C., Miguel, G., Panagopoulos, T., Silva, M. M. and Antunes, M. D. C. (2016). Effect of Calcium chloride and 1-MCP (Smartfresh™) postharvest treatment on ‘Golden Delicious’ apple cold storage physiological disorders. Scientia Horticulturae. 211: 440-448.

Guimarães, M. H., Nunes, L. C., Barreira, A. P. and Panagopoulos, T. (2016). What makes people stay in or leave shrinking cities? – An empirical study from Portugal. European Planning Studies. 24(9): 1684-1708. DOI:

Guimarães, M. H., Nunes, L. C., Barreira, A. P. and Panagopoulos, T. (2016). Residents’ preferred policy actions for shrinking cities. Policy Studies. 37(3): 254-273. DOI:

Karanikola, P., Panagopoulos, T. and Tampakis, S. (2016). Weekend visitors' views and perceptions at an urban national forest park of Cyprus during summertime. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.

Karanikola, P., Tampakis, S., Panagopoulos, T. and Karipidou-Kanari, A. (2016). A perceptual study of users’ expectations of urban green infrastructure in Kalamaria, municipality of Greece. Management of Environmental Quality. 27(5): 568-584.

Loures, L. and Vaz, E. (2016). Exploring expert perception towards brownfield redevelopment benefits according to their typology. Habitat International. 1-11.  DOI: 10.1016-j.habitatint.2016.11.003

Loures, L., Panagopoulos, T. and Burley, J. (2016). Assessing user preferences on post-industrial redevelopment. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 2016. 43(5): 871-892. DOI: 10.1177/0265813515599981

Loures, L., Panagopoulos, T. and Burley, J. B. (2016). Assessing user preferences on Brownfield regeneration. The case of Arade river waterfront, South Portugal. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 43(5): 871-892.

Marques, M. J., Schwilch, G., Lauteburg, N., Crittenden, S., Mehreteab, T., Stolte, J., Zdruli, P., Zucca, C., Pétusdottír, T., Evelpidou, N., Karkani, A., AsliYilmazgil, Y., Panagopoulos, T., Yirdaw, E., Kanninen, M., Rubio, J. L., Schmiedel, U. and Doko, A. (2016). Multifaceted impacts of Sustainable Land Management in drylands, a review. Sustainability. 8: 177.

Nunes, J., Loures, L., Pineiro, A., Loures, A. and Vaz, E. (2016). Using GIS towards the Characterization and Soil Mapping of the Caia Irrigation Perimeter. Sustainability. 8: 368.  doi:10.3390/su8040368

Panagopoulos, T., Duque, J. A. G. and Bostenaru Dan, M. (2016). Urban planning with respect to environmental quality and human well-being. Environmental Pollution. 208: 137-144.

Pimentel-González, D. J., Jiménez-Alvarado, R., Hernández-Fuentes, A. D., Figueira, A. C., Suarez-Vargas, A. and Campos-Montiel, R. G. (2016). Potentiation of Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity in Artisanal Honeys Using Specific Heat Treatments. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 40: 47-52. doi:10.1111/jfbc.12186

Tayyebi, A., Tayyebi, A. H., Vaz, E., Arsanjani, J. and Helbich, M. (2016). Analyzing crop change scenario with the SmartScape spatial decision support system. Land Use Policy. 51: 41-53.

Vaz, E., Anthony, A. and McHenry, M. (2016). The Geography of Environmental Injustice. Habitat International. 59: 118-125.

Vaz, E., Zhao, Y. and Cusimano, M. (2016). Urban habitats and the injury landscape. Habitat International. 56: 52-62.


Articles in Journals with other index


Loures, L. (2016). Using Post-industrial Landscape Transformation as an Urban Development Strategy – Tales from Portugal. Miestų želdynų formavimas / Formation of Urban Green Areas. 1(13): 217-227.

Costa, L., Meireles, F. and Loures, L. (2016). Assessing the influence of public transport in public green space evolution in Porto and Matosinhos region since the 19th century. International Journal of Energy and Environment. 10: 93-99.

Meireles, F., Loures, L. and Costa, L. (2016). Using behaviour mapping to explore people’s occupation patterns: the study of Mondego Park. International Journal of Energy and Environment. 10: 117-123.

Loures, L., Meireles, F., Costa, L. and Loures, A. (2016). Rising from ruins: from derelict spaces to sustainable landscapes – the Portuguese case. International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development. 10: 156-161.

Rojo, M. M. and Noronha, T. (2016). Low - Technology Industries and Regional Innovation Systems: The Salmon Industry in Chile, Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 4: 107-122, CIEO, University of Algarve, Faro.

marca 2015

Articles in Journals with SCOPUS index


Chelli, S., Maponi, P., Campetella, G., Monteverde, P., Foglia, M., Paris, E., Lolis A. and Panagopoulos, T. (2015). “Adaptation of the Canadian fire weather index to Mediterranean forests”. Natural Hazards. 75. pp 1795-1810. DOI: (IF: 1.95) (Q1)

Karanikola, P., Panagopoulos, T., Tampakis, S. and Karantoni, M.I. (2015). “Perception and knowledge about natural disasters in the Sporades Islands of Greece”. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology. 16(2). pp 498-509. (IF: 0.83) (Q3)

Loures, L., Panagopoulos, T. and Burley, J.B. (2015). “Assessing user preferences on Brownfield Regeneration. The case of Arade river waterfront, South Portugal”. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design  (IF: 1.3) (Q2)

Loures, L., Loures, A., Nunes, J. and Panagopoulos, T. (2015). “Landscape valuation of environmental amenities throughout the application of direct and indirect methods”. Sustainability. 7. pp 794-810. Doi: (IF: 1.22) (Q2)

Ferreira, V. Panagopoulos, T., Andrade, R., Guerrero, C. and Loures, L. (2015). “Spatial variability of soil properties and soil erodibility in the Alqueva reservoir watershed”. Solid Earth. 6. pp 383-392. Doi:  (IF: 2.3) (Q1)

Ferreira, V., Samora Arvela, A. and Panagopoulos, T. (2015). “Soil erosion vulnerability in scenarios of climate land use changes after the development of a large reservoir in a semi-arid area”. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (Q1)

Gago, C.M.L., Guerreiro, A.C., Miguel, G., Panagopoulos, T., Sanches, C. and Antunes, M.D.C. (2015). “Effect of harvest date and 1-MCP (SmartfreshTM) treatment on 'Golden Delicious' apple cold storage physiological disorders”. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 110. pp 77–85. (Q1)

Panagopoulos, T., Duque, J.A.G. and Dan, M.B. (2015). “Urban planning with respect to environmental quality and human well-being”. Environmental pollution. 208. pp 137-144. (Q1)

Alves, D., Barreira, A.P., Guimarães, M.H. and Panagopoulos, T. (2015). “Historical trajectories of currently shrinking Portuguese cities: A typology of urban shrinkage”. Cities. 52. pp 20-29. (Q1)

Ferreira, V., Panagopoulos, T., Andrade, R., Guerrero, C. and Loures, L. (2015). “Spatial variability of soil properties and soil erodibility in the Alqueva dam watershed, Portugal”. Solid Earth. 7. pp 301–327. DOI: 10.5194/sed-7-301-2015 (Q1).

Noronha, T. and Vaz, E. (2015). “Framing urban habitats: The small and mediumtowns in the peripheries”. Habitat International. pp 147 – 155.  doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.06.025. (IF: 1.702) (Q1)

Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. and Noronha, T. (Eds) (2015). “Cities in Shrinking Globe”. Special issue on Cities as Vehicles for Sustainable Development, International Journal of Global Environmental Issues. pp 8-13. indexed SCOPUS  (Q4)

Dominguez, J. A., Noronha, T. and Vaz, E. (2015). “Sustainability in the trans-border regions? The case of Andalusia – Algarve”. Special issue on Cities as Vehicles for Sustainable Development, International Journal of Global Environmental Issues. pp 174 – 194. indexed SCOPUS  (Q4)

Galindo, P. V., Vaz, E. and Noronha, T. (2015). “How corporations deal with sustainability: Accessing by means of a multicriteria logistic Biplot approach”. Systems. 3(1). pp 6-26. Doi: 10.3390/systems3010006. Indexed CrossRef & Google Scholar, SCOPUS. (Q1)

Pinto, H., Noronha, T. and Faustino, C. (2015). “Knowledge and cooperation determinants of innovation networks: A mixed-methods approach to the case of Portugal”. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation. 10(1). indexed SCOPUS (Q3)

Balage, J. M., Silva, S., Gomide, C. A., Bonin, M. N. and Figueira, A. C. O. L. (2015). “Predicting pork quality using Vis/NIR spectroscopy”. Meat Science. 108. pp 37–43. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2015.04.018. (Q1)

Velázquez-Gutiérrez, S. K., Figueira, A. C., Rodríguez-Huezo, M. E., Román-Guerrero,  A., Carrillo-Navas, H. and Pérez-Alonso, C. (2015). “Sorption isotherms, thermodynamic properties and glass transition temperature of mucilage extracted from chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.)”. Carbohydrate Polymers. 121. pp 411-9. DOI:10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.11.068. (Q1)

Vaz, E., Cusimano, M. D. and Hernandez, T. (2015). “Land use perception of self-reported health: Exploratory analysis of anthropogenic land use phenotypes”. Land Use Policy. 46. pp 232–240. (Q1)

Arsanjani, J. J. and Vaz, E. (2015). “An assessment of a collaborative mapping ap- proach for exploring land use patterns for several European metropolises”. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 35(Part B). pp 329–337. (Q1)

Jokar Arsanjani, T., Javidan, R., Nazemosadat, M. J., Jokar Arsanjani, J. and Vaz, E. (2015). “Spatiotemporal monitoring of Bakhtegan Lake’s areal fluctuations and an exploration of its future status by applying a cellular automata model”. Computers and Geosciences. 78. pp 37–43. (Q2)

Noronha, M. T., Galindo, P., Vaz, E. and Nijkamp, P. (2015). “Innovative firms behind the regions: Analysis of regional innovation performance in Portugal by external logistic biplots”. European Urban and Regional Studies. 22(3). pp 329–344. (Q1)

Vaz, E. and Arsanjani, J.J. (2015). “Predicting Urban Growth of the Greater Toronto Area - Coupling a Markov Cellular Automata with Document Meta-Analysis”. Journal of Environmental Informatics. 25(2). pp 71–80. (Q1)

Vaz, E. and Arsanjani, J.J. (2015). “Crowdsourced mapping of land use in urban dense environments: An assessment of Toronto”. The Canadian Geographer / Le Geographe canadien. 59(2). pp 246–255. (Q1)

Monteiro, V., Painho, M. and Vaz, E. (2015). “Is heritage really important? A the- oretical framework for heritage reputation using citizen sensing”. Habitat International. 45. pp 156–162 (Q1)

Vaz, E., Painho, M. and Nijkamp, P. (2015). “Linking Agricultural Policies with Decision- Making: A Spatial Approach”. European Planning Studies. 23(4). pp 733–745. (Q1)
Vaz, E. and Nijkamp, P. (2015). “Gravitational forces in the spatial impacts of urban sprawl: An investigation of the region of Veneto, Italy”. Habitat International. 45. pp 99-105. (Q1)

López-Bonilla, J., López-Bonilla, L., Serra, F. and Almeida, C. (2015). “Efeitos das atitudes em relação à atividade física e aos desportos relativamente ao desempenho académico dos estudantes universitários espanhóis e portugueses.” Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia del Ejercicio y el Deporte. 10(2). pp 275- 284 [ISSN 1886-8576]: [] (Q3)


Guimarães, M.E., Barreira, A.P. and Panagopoulos, T. (2015). “Shrinking Cities in Portugal – where and why”. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 40. pp 23-41. (Q3)


Articles in Journals with other index


Ferreira, V., Panagopoulos, T., Cakula, A., Andrade, R. and Arvela, A. (2015). “Predicting soil erosion after land use changes for irrigating agriculture in a large reservoir of southern Portugal”. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. 4. pp 40-49.  doi:

Loures, L., Loures, A., Nunes J. and Panagopoulos T. (2015). “The Green Revolution – converting post-industrial sites into urban parks – A case study analysis”. International Journal of Energy and Environment. 9. pp 262-266.

Panagopoulos, T., Guimarães, M.E. and Barreira, A.P. (2015). “Influences on citizens’ policy preferences for shrinking cities: a case study of four Portuguese cities”. Regional Studies, Regional Science. 2. pp 140-169.

Panagopoulos, T., Jesus J. and BenAsher, J. (2015).” Tools for optimizing management of a spatially variable organic field”. Agronomy. 5. pp 89-106; doi:

Loures, L., Nunes, J., López-Piñeiro, A., Loures, A. and Navarro, A. (2015). “Assessing Soil Edaphic Properties’ influence in Phosphorus Adsorption in Vertisols – Extremadura (Spain)”. International Journal of Energy and Environment. 9. pp. 53-60. ISSN: 2308- 1007.

Costa, V. and Almeida, C. (2015). “Low cost carriers, local economy and tourism development at four portuguese airports. A model of Cost-benefit analysis”. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. III(4). pp 245-261. ISSN: 2183-1912.

Lami, J., Fernandes, S. and Vaz, E. (2015). “Governance in IS: the case of the management of conventions and health agreements of the Algarve”. Iberian Journal of Information Systems and Technologies. 15. pp 69–81.


Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2015). “A dieta mediterrânica – a criação de uma cadeia de valor multifuncional. Para uma nova inteligência territorial no rural tradicional algarvio. Uma abordagem exploratória”. Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território. 7(30 de Junho), Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (CEGOT). GOT, Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, Revista Electrónica Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território. pp. 111-128., ISSN: 2182-1267.

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2015). “Sociedade do conhecimento, escalas de governo e governança territorial – um ensaio exploratório e prospectivo para a sociedade portuguesa”. DRd – Desenvolvimento Regional em debate. 5(2). pp. 25-47. Revista electrónica do Programa de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade do Condestado (UnC). Acessível em ISSN: 2237-9029. Acessos desde 10/05/2013: 16904


marca 2014

Articles in Journals with ISI index


Berte, E. and Panagopoulos, T. (2014). “Enhancing city resilience to climate change by means of ecosystem services improvement: A SWOT analysis for the city of Faro, Portugal”. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. 6. 241-253.

Chelli, S., Maponi, P., Campetella, G., Monteverde, P., Foglia, M., Paris, E., Lolis A. and Panagopoulos, T. (2014). “Adaptation of the Canadian fire weather index to Mediterranean forests”. Natural Hazard. IF: 1.95 DOI:

Cubillo, P, Hidalgo, A. and Dominguez, J.A. (2014). “El pensamiento sobre el Buen Vivir. Entre el indigenismo, el socialismo y el post-desarrollismo”. Reforma y democracia. 60. pp. 27-58.

Dominguez, J. A. and Relinquez, F.(2014). “Advising efficient political decisions for sustainability of local agricultural systems: high-risk agriculture in southern Europe”. Agroecology and sustainable food systems. 38(7). pp. 839-857.

Ferreira, V. and Panagopoulos, T. (2014). “Seasonality of soil erosion under Mediterranean conditions at the Alqueva dam watershed”. Environmental Management. 54. 67-83. IF: 1.67

Helbich, M., Vaz, E. and Nijkamp, P. (2014). “Spatial Hedonic Models to Estimate Single Family Home Prices in Austria”. Urban Studies. 51(2). 390-411. IF: 1.330.

Jokar Arsanjani, J. and Vaz, E. (2014). “An assessment of a collaborative mapping approach for exploring land use patterns for several European metropolises”. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation. doi:10.1016/j.jag.2014.09.009. IF: 2.539

Karanikola, P., Panagopoulos, T., Tampakis, S., Karantoni, M.I., Tsantopoulos, G. (2014). “Facing and managing natural disasters in the Sporades islands, Greece”. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 14. 995-1005. doi:

Loures, L. (2014). “Post­industrial landscapes as drivers for urban redevelopment: Public versus expert perspectives towards the benefits and barriers of the reuse of post­industrial sites in urban areas”. Habitat International. 45. 72-81. /10.1016/ j.habitatint.2014.06.028.

Monteiro, V., Painho, M. and Vaz, E. (2014). “Is the heritage really important? A theoretical framework for heritage reputation using citizen sensing”. Habitat International. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.06.022. IF: 1.577

Nunes, J., Miras, J., Piñero, A., Loures, L., Gil, C., Coelho, J. and Loures, A., (2014). “Concentrations of Available Heavy Metals in Mediterranean Agricultural Soils and their relation with some soil selected properties: A Case Study in typical Mediterranean calcareous soils”. Sustainability. 6. 9124-9138. doi:10.3390/su6129124.

Panagopoulos, T., Jesus, J., Blumberg, D. and Ben-Asher, J. (2014). “Spatial variability of wheat yield as related to soil parameters in an organic field”. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 45. 2018-2031. IF: 0.87  

Vaz, E. and Nijkamp, P. (2014). “Gravitational Forces in the Spatial Impacts of Urban Sprawl”. Habitat International. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.06.024. IF: 1.577

Vaz, E. (2014). “Managing urban coastal areas through landscape metrics: An assessment of Mumbai’s mangroves, Ocean & Coastal Management”. ndoi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.05.020. IF: 1.769.

Vaz, E., Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. and Painho, M. (2014). “Spatial analysis of sustainability of urban habitats”. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.06.029. IF: 1.577.

Vaz, E., Noronha, M. T and Nijkamp, P. (2014). “Exploratory Landscape Metrics for Agricultural Sustainability”. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 38(1). 92-108. IF: 0.849

Vaz, E. and Noronha, M. T. (2014). “Framing urban habitats: The small and medium towns in the peripheries”. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2014.06.025. IF: 1.577.

Vaz, E., Noronha, M. T., Galindo, P. and Nijkamp, P. (2014). “Modelling innovation support systems for regional development – analysis of cluster structures in innovation in Portugal”. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 26(1-2). 23-46. IF: 1.000

Vaz, E., Painho, M. and Nijkamp, P. (2014). “Impacts on environmental law and regulations on agricultural land-use change and urban pressure”. European Planning Studies. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2014.945818. IF: 1.577.

Velazquez-Gutiérrez, S. K., Figueira, A. C., RodríguezHuezo, M. E., Roman-Guerrero, A., Carrillo-Navas, H., and Pérez-Alonso, C. (2014). “Sorption isotherms, thermodynamic properties and glass transition temperature of mucilage extracted from chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.)”. Carbohydrate Polymers. DOI:

Almeida, C. (2014). “Key concepts in event management”. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 26 (2). 326-327. IF: 1.623

Almeida, C. (2014). “Railway Heritage and Tourism. Global perspectives”. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. 1-2. IF: 0.273

Monteiro, P., Neto, P. and Noronha Vaz, T. (2014). “Understanding the ways and the dynamics of collaborative innovation processes: the case of the Maritime Cluster of the Algarve region (Portugal)”. Urban, Planning and Transport Research. Taylor & Francis, 1(2). 247-264.

Noronha, T. and Vaz, E. (2014). “The role of small and medium towns in peripheries”. Habitat International. 1-9. IF: 1.702.

Vaz, E., Vaz, T.D., Galindo, P.V., and Nijkamp, P. (2014). “Modelling Innovation Support Systems for Regional Development – Analysis of cluster structures in innovation in Portugal”. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 26 (1-2). 23-46. IF: 1.000.


Articles in Journals with other index


Panagopoulos, T., Guimarães, M.H. and Barreira, A.P. (2014) “Influences on citizens’ policy preferences for shrinking cities: a case study of four Portuguese cities”. Regional Studies, Regional Science.

Almeida, C. and Costa, C. (2014). “A operação das companhias aéreas nos aeroportos hub & spoke e nas bases operacionais”. Pasos, Revista de Turismo e Património Cultural. 12 (4). 765-775.

Almeida, C. and Costa, C. (2014). “Novas tendências de serviços nos aeroportos”. Revista Turismo e Desenvolvimento. 21/22 (4). 343-352.



Silva, A., Santos, C., Romacho, J., Loures, L. and Pinheiro, L. (2014).” Os desafios da implementação do e/bLearning no ensino superior: estudo de caso do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre”. Indagatio Didactica. 6(1). 121-144. ISSN: 1647-3582.


Articles in Journals without index


Rodrigues, M., Almeida, C. and Patuleia, M. (2014). “Transporte aéreo e turismo: O paradigma low cost – Parte II”. Tourism and Hospitality International Journal. 2 (1). 12-33. ISSN: 2183-0800.


marca 2013

Articles in Journals with ISI index


van Leeuwen, E. and Dekkers, J. (2013). “Determinants of Off-farm Income and its local patterns. A spatial microsimulation of Dutch farmers”. Journal of Rural Studies. 31. 55–66.  (IF: 1.786)

Neuts, B., Romão, J., Nijkamp, P. and van Leeuwen, E. (2013). “Describing the relationships between tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty in a segmented and digitalized market”. Tourism Economics. 19(5). 987-1004. (IF: 0.8)

van Leeuwen, E., Kourtit, K. and Nijkamp, P. (2013). “Residents’ appreciation of cultural heritage in tourist centres: a microsimulation modelling approach to Amsterdam”. Tourism Economics. 19(5). 1077-1098. (IF: 0.8)

Ribeiro, M. A., Valle, P. and Silva, J. (2013). “Residents’ Attitudes Towards Tourism Development: A Segmentation Analysis”. Tourism Geographies. 15(4). 654-679. (IF: 0.731)

Eurico, S., Valle, P. and Silva, J. (2013). “Tourism Graduates’ Satisfaction: The New Challenges for Higher Education Institutions and for the Tourism Industry”. Tourism and Management Studies. 9(2). 29-36. (IF: 0.100)

Eurico, S., Valle, P. and Silva, J. (2013). “Satisfaction Towards Tourism Higher Education: The Graduates’ Perspective”. International Journal of Academic Research. 5(4). 35-49.

Gomez-Salgado, J.; Romero, A.; Dominguez, J. A. (2013). “Preanalitical errors: the professionals' perspective”. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 52(4). 53-55.DOI 10.1515/cclm-2013-0930 (IF: 3.009)

Ferreira, L. N., Ferreira, P. L., Pereira, L. N., Rowen, D. and Brazier, J. E. (2013). “Exploring the consistency of the SF-6D. Value in Health. 16(6). 1023-1031. DOI: 10.1016/j.jval.2013.06.018 (IF: 2.191)

Pereira, L. N. and Coelho, P. S. (2013). “Estimation of House Prices in Regions with Small Sample Sizes”. The Annals of Regional Science. 50(2). 603-621. DOI: 10.1007/s00168-012-0507-3 (IF: 0.901)

Ferreira, P. L., Ferreira, L. N. and Pereira, L. N. (2013). “Contributos para a validação da versão portuguesa do EQ-5D”. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 26(6). 664-675. (IF: 0.091)

Pereira, L. N., Mendes, J. M. and Coelho, P. S. (2013). “Model-based estimation of unemployment rates in small areas of Portugal”. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods. 42(7). 1325-1342. DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2012.749989 (IF: 0.298)

Pereira, L. N. and Coelho, P. S. (2013). “An applied comparison of area-level linear mixed models in small area estimation”. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. 42(3). 671-685. DOI:10.1080/03610918.2011.654029 (IF: 0.387)

Baptista, C., Matias, F. and Valle, P. (2013). “The Moderating Role of Strategy and Environment on the Relationship Between Corporate Liquidity and Investment: Evidence from Panel Data”. Tourism and Management Studies. 9(2). 71-77. (IF: 0.100)

Agapito, D., Valle, P. and Mendes, J. (2013). “The Cognitive-Affective-Conative Model of Destination Image: A Confirmatory Analysis”. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 30(5). 471-481. (IF: 0.43)

Agapito, D., Mendes, J. and P. Valle (2013) "Exploring the Conceptualization of the Sensory Dimension of Tourist Experiences". Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (ISSN: 2212-571X; Elsevier; DOI:

Finus, M. and Pintassilgo, P. (2013). “The Role of Uncertainty and Learning for the Success of International Climate Agreements”. Journal of Public Economics. 103. 29-43. (IF: 2.54)

Ulloa, P., Guerra, R., Cavaco, A., Costa, A., Figueira, A. and Brigas, A. (2013). “Determination of the botanical origin of honey by sensor fusion of impedance e-tongue and optical spectroscopy”. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 94(1). 1-11. (IF: 0.93)

Henriques, C. and Gouveia, P. (2013). “Procura Turística dos estudantes do ensino superior em Portugal continental – uma análise comparativa entre regiões”.Tourism & Management Studies. 9(2). 57-64. (IF: 0.100)

Vaz, E., Walczynska, A. and Nijkamp, P. (2013). “Regional Challenges in Tourist Wetland Systems: An Integrated Approach to the Ria Formosa in the Algarve, Portugal”. Regional Environmental Change. 13(1). 33-42. (IF: 1.945)

Noronha, M. T., Galindo, P., Nijkamp, P., and Vaz, E. (2013). “Innovative firms behind the regions: Analysis of regional innovation performance in Portugal by external logistic biplots”. European Urban and Regional Studies. DOI: 10.1177/0969776412474675. (IF: 1.531)

Helbich, M., Brunauer, W., Vaz, E. and Nijkamp, P. (2013). “Spatial Heterogeneity in Hedonic House Price Models: The Case of Austria”. Urban Studies. DOI: 10.1177/0042098013492234. (IF: 1.493)

Arsanjani, J. J., Helbich, M. and Vaz, E. (2013). “Spatiotemporal simulation of urban growth patterns using agent-based modeling: The case of Tehran”. Cities. 32. 33-42. (IF: 1.14)

Vaz, E., Noronha, M. T and Nijkamp, P. (2013). “Exploratory Landscape Metrics for Agricultural Sustainability”. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. 38(1). 92-108. (IF: 0.744)

Gualda, E., Fragoso, A. and Lucio-Villegas, E. (2013). “The border, the people and the river: development of the cross-border area between southern Spain and Portugal”. Community Development Journal. 48(1). 23-39. DOI: ISSN: 1468-2656. (IF: 0.602)

González-Gómez, T. and Gualda, E. (2013). “Cross-Border Networks in Informal and Formal Cooperation in the Border Regions Andalusia–Algarve–Alentejo and South Finland–Estonia”. European Planning Studies. DOI:10.1080/09654313.2013.789487. ISSN: 0965-4313.  (IF: 0.952)

Romão, J., Guerreiro, J. and Rodrigues, P. (2013). “Tourism Area Life-Cycle and Regional Tourism Attractiveness”. Current Issues in Tourism. 16(6). 517-534. (IF: 0.61)

Neuts, B., Romão, J., Nijkamp, P. and Leeuwen, E.S. van (2013). “Describing the relationships between tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty in a segmented and digitalized market”. Tourism Economics. 19(5). 987-1004. ISSN 1368-3500 (IF: 0.64)

Berte, E., Panagopoulos, T. and Zannon, B. (2013). “An interpretative model for the management of contemporary cultural landscapes in linear infrastructure projects”. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management. 21. 248-262. (IF: 1.09)

Jankovska, I., Donis, J., Straupe, I., Panagopoulos, T. and Kupfere, L. (2013). “Assessment of forest recreation accessibility in Latvia”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 22. 2145-2151. (IF: 0.73)

Ferreira, V., Panagopoulos, T. and Cakula, A. (2013). “Prediction of seasonal soil erosion risk at the Alqueva dam watershed, Portugal”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 22. 1997-2005. (IF: 0.73)

Monteiro, P., Noronha Vaz, T. and Neto, P. (2013). “A Differentiation Framework for Maritime Clusters: Comparisons across Europe”. Sustainability. 5(9). 4076-4105. ISSN: 2071-1050. (IF: 0.34)

Matos, N., Mendes, J. and P. Valle (2013) "A Value Proposition to Algarve’s Touristic Offering Using Tourism Experiences", Tourism and Management Studies ISSN: 1646-2408.

Articles in Journals with other index


Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2013). “Em busca de uma racionalidade territorial multiníveis nos processos de governança regional: o exemplo da região do Algarve”. DRd – Desenvolvimento Regional em debate. 3(2). 66-85. Revista electrónica do Programa de Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional da Universidade do Condestado (UnC). ISSN: 2237-9029. Acessível em

Panagopoulos, T. and Barreira, A. P. (2013). “Understanding the shrinkage phenomenon in Portugal”. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 1(9). 107-118. E-ISSN: 2224-3496.

Silva, J. A. and Valle. P. (2013). “A investigação em turismo em Portugal: um contributo para a sua caracterização”. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa em Turismo. 7(3). 384-397.

Andraz, J., Silva, J. A. and Viegas, C. (2013). “Determinantes do Crescimento Económico do Algarve. Uma abordagem Sectorial”. Revista de Turismo. Visão e Ação. 15(1). 21-33, UNIVALI, Brasil.

Agapito, D., Mendes, J. and Valle, P. (2013). “Exploring the Conceptualization of the Sensory Dimension of the Tourist Experiences”. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. 2. 62-73.

Vaz, E. (2013). “Business Topographies: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of 150 years of Indian Business”. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 1(4). 241-253.

Vaz, E., Buckland, A. and Worthington, K. (2013). “A regional spatial-retrofitting approach to geovisualise regional urban growth: An application to the Golden Horseshoe in Canada”. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 1(4). 229-240.

Vaz, E. and Aversa, J. (2013). “A Graph theory approach for geovisualization of land use change: An application to Lisbon”. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 1(4). 254-264.

Vaz, E. and Campos, A. (2013). “A multi-dasymetric mapping approach for tourism – An application to the Algarve”. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 1(4). 265-277.

Vaz, E. and Bowman, L. (2013). “An application for regional coastal erosion processes in urban areas: a case study of the Golden Horseshoe in Canada”. Land. 2(4). 595-608.

Borrero, J. D. and Gualda, E. (2013). “Crawling big data in a new frontier for socioeconomic research: testing with social tagging”. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 1(1). 6-28. ISSN: 1647-3183.

Gualda, E. and Ruiz, M. (2013). “The Use of Visual Methods for Diagnosis and Social Intervention Through a Study of Two Towns in Spain and Cameroon”. Portularia. Revista de Trabajo Social. 14(1). DOI: Categoría A (ANEP): España.

Márquez, C. and Gualda, E. (2013). “Absentismo escolar en secundaria: diferencias entre nacionales e inmigrantes en la provincia de Huelva”. Revista Educación XXI. Enclave pedagógica. Revista internacional de investigación e innovación educativa, 13. Categoría B (ANEP): España.

Neuts, B., Romão, J., Nijkamp, P. and Leeuwen, E.S. van (2013). “Digital destinations in the tourist sector: a path model for the impact of e-services on tourist expenditures in Amsterdam”. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. 6(2). 71-80. ISSN: 1864-4031.

Loures, L. (2013). “Planning and Design of Post-industrial Landscapes: Defining Redevelopment Principles”. Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies. 3(4). 45-55. ISSN: 2154-8676.

Loures, L. (2013). “Establishing a Methodology for Post-Industrial Land Transformation”. Landscape Architecture (China). 1. 130-132. ISSN: 1673-1530.

Loures, L. (2013). “Translating Professional Practice into Planning and Design Theory towards Post-Industrial Landscape Transformation”. Landscape Architecture (China). 1. 133-148. ISSN: 1673-1530.

Panagopoulos, T. (2013). “Factors of reclamation success at the lignite strip-mined land in Northern Greece”. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 1(2). 96-122.

Duque, J. AG. and Panagopoulos, T. (2013). “Evaluation of the urban green infrastructure using landscape modules, GIS and a population survey”. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 1(2). 82-95.

Bostenaru-Dan, M., Panagopoulos, T., Gociman, C. O., Armas, I., Dill, A., Chiriloae, A. and Florescu, T. (2013). “The impact of hazards on the urban tissue – 3-D representation and digital databases”. Advances in Geosciences. 35. 45-53. DOI:10.5194/adgeo-35-45-2013 (IF: 0.87)

Panagopoulos, T. and Barreira, A. P. (2013). “Understanding the Shrinkage Phenomenon in Portugal”. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 9(1). 107-118. (IF: 0.64)

Hamidov, A., Khamidov, M. and Beltrao, J. (2013). “Application of surface and groundwater to produce cotton in semi-arid Uzbekistan”. The Asian and Australasian Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnolgy. 7(2). 67-71.


Cesário, M. and M. T. N. Vaz (2013). “Localised Assets and Small-Firms’ Technological Capabilities”. Spatial and Organizational Dynamics – Discussion Papers:  New Approaches to Management. Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. 12. 38-53.

Articles in Journals without index


Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P. and van Leeuwen, E. (2013). “New Entrepreneurship for Urban Diasporas in Our Modern World”. Journal of Urban Management. 2(1). 25-47.

Lehmann, W., Burley, J., Fleurant, C., Loures, L. and McDowell, A. (2013). “Replicating species based fractal patterns for reclaiming Northern Michigan waste rock piles”. Journal of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation. 2(1). 114-135.


Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2013). “A construção social dos territórios-rede da 2ª ruralidade: dos territórios-zona aos territórios-rede, construir um território de múltiplas territorialidades”. Revista de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território. 3(30 de Junho). Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (CEGOT). 7-40. ISSN: 2182-1267. PDF: 43-66

Figueira, A. C. (2013). “Estudo da problemática do azeite”. Guia dos azeites de Portugal 2013. Enigma editores. Algés. 111-112.

marca 2012

Articles in Journals with ISI index


Do Ó, A. (2012). “Drought planning and management in transboundary river basins: the case of the Iberian Guadiana”. Water Policy. 14(5): 784-799. ISSN 1366-7017 (IF < 1)

Figueira, A. C., Cavaco, T. (2012). “Changes in Physical and Chemical Parameters of the Traditional Portuguese Product Agua-mel During the Production Process”. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 36 (4), pp. 285-290. (IF < 1)

Guimarães M. Helena M.E., Alexandra H. Cunha, Rosemarie L. Nzinga, João F. Marques, (2012) “The distribution of seagrass (Zostera noltii) in the Ria Formosa lagoon system and the implications of clam farming on its conservation”, Journal for Nature Conservation, Volume 20, Issue 1, January, pp. 30-40, ISSN: 1617-1381. (IF >1)

Pereira, L.N. e Coelho, P.S. (2012). “A Small Area Predictor under Area-Level Linear Mixed Models with Restrictions”. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods. 41(13-14), pp. 2524-2544. ISSN: 1532-415X. (IF <1)

Ferreira, L.N.; Ferreira, P.L.; Pereira, L.N.; e Rowen, D. (2012). Reducing the Floor Effect in the SF-6D: A Feasibility Study. Applied Research in Quality of Life. 7(2), pp. 193-208. ISSN: 1871-2576. (IF<1)

Finus, M. and P. Pintassilgo (2012). “International Environmental Agreements under Uncertainty: Does the Veil of Uncertainty Help?” Oxford Economic Papers, 64 (4), pp. 736-764. (I.F: 1,112)

Valle, P., P. Pintassilgo, A. Matias and F. André (2012). “Tourist Attitudes towards an Accommodation Tax Earmarked for Environmental Protection: A Survey in the Algarve”. Tourism Management, 33 (6), pp. 1408-16. (I.F: 2.597)

Berte, E., Panagopoulos, T., Zannon, B. (2012). “An interpretative model for the management of contemporary cultural landscapes in linear infrastructure projects”. Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management (in press) (IF: 1.71)

Serafim, A., Company, R., Lopes B., Rosa, J, Cavaco, A., Castela, G, Castela, E., Olea, N., Bebianno, M.J. (2012). “Assessment of Essential and Nonessential Metals and Different Metal Exposure Biomarkers in the Human Placenta in a Population from the South of Portugal”. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 75 (13-15), pp. 867-877. ISSN: 1528-7394. (IF: 1,830)

Valle, P., Mendes, J. and Guerreiro, M. (2012) “Residents’ Participation in Events, Events Image and Destination Image: A Correspondence Analysis”. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26, pp. 647-664. (IF: <1)

Aliye Ahu Akgün, Eveline van Leeuwen and Peter Nijkamp (2012). “A Multi-actor Multi-Criteria Scenario Analysis of Regional Sustainable resource policy”. Ecological Economics, Vol. 78, pp. 19–28 (IF: 2.87)

Bart Neuts, Peter Nijkamp and Eveline van Leeuwen (2012) “Crowding Externalities from Tourist Use of Urban Space”. Tourism Economics, vol. 18 (3), pp. 649–670 (IF 0.67)

Vaz, E.; Caetano, M.; Nijkamp, P. and Painho, M. (2012) “A multi-scenario prospection of urban change – a study on urban growth in the Algarve”, Landscape and Urban Planning, 104(2): 201–211.

Vaz, E.; Cabral,P.; Caetano, M.; Painho, M. and Nijkamp, P.(2012) “Urban heritage endangerment at the interface of future cities and past heritage: A spatial vulnerability assessment”, Habitat International, 36(2): 287–294.

Vaz, E.; Walczynska, A. and Nijkamp, P. (2012) “Regional Challenges in Tourist Wetland Systems: An Integrated Approach to the Ria Formosa in the Algarve, Portugal”, Regional Environmental Change.

Pereira, L.N. e Coelho, P.S. (2012) "Small area estimation using a spatio-temporal linear mixed model". REVSTAT – Statistical Journal, 10(3), 285-308 (ISI WoS indexed). IF<1

Articles in Journals with other index


Panagopoulos, T. e Barreira, A. P. (2012), “Perceptions and shrink smart strategies for the municipalities of Portugal”, Journal Built Environment – special issue ‘Understanding Shrinkage in European Regions’, 38(2), pp. 276‒292. ISSN: 0263-7960

Ben Asher, J.; Beltrão, J. Aksoy, U.; Anaç. D; Anaç. S. (2012). “Modeling the effect of salt removing species in crop rotation”. NAUN. International Journal of Energy and Environment 3(6), pp. 350-359

Ben Asher, J.; Beltrao, J. Aksoy, U.; Anaç. D; Anaç. S. (2012). “Controlling and simulating the use of salt removing species”. NAUN. International Journal of Energy and Environment 3(6), pp. 360-369

Loures, L., Dias, S., Ramos, T., Nunes, J. e Viegas, A. (2012). “Severe Forest Fires: Assessment Methods and Reclamation Techniques”. International Journal of Energy and Environment, Vol. 6 (4), pp. 424-432

Burley, J., Loures, L. e Mengwen, F. (2012). James W. Hawks, Jr., “ASLA: Polychrome Land Development in the Upper Midwest”. International Journal of Energy and Environment, Vol. 6 (4), pp. 415-423

Loures, L. e Costa, L., (2012). “The role of urban parks to enhance metropolitan sustainability: the case of Oporto”. International Journal of Energy and Environment, Vol. 6 (4), pp. 453-461

Almeida, N., Silva, J., Mendes, J. and Valle, P. (2012) “The Effects of Marketing Communication on the Tourist’s Hotel Reservation Process”. ANATOLIA: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 23(2), pp. 234-25

Agapito, D., Mendes, J. and Valle, P.  (2012) “The Rural Village as an Open Door to Nature-Based Tourism in Portugal: The Aldeia da Pedralva Case”. Tourism - An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 60(3), pp. 325-338

Viegas, E., Valle, P, e J. Mendes (2012) “Marketing de Eventos: O Caso da Concentração de Motos de Faro, Portugal”, Cultur, 6 (4), pp. 124-147

Kulmala, S., P. Levontin, M. Lindroos, and P. Pintassilgo (2012). ”Atlantic Salmon Fishery in the Baltic Sea – a Case of Trivial Cooperation?” Strategic Behavior and the Environment,3 (1-2), pp. 121-147

Karanikola, P., Manolas, E., Tampakis, S., Panagopoulos, T. (2012).” The co-existence of humans and companion animals in the city parks of Xanthi: The views of the citizens”. Urban Studies Research, Vol. 2012, Article ID 462025, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/462025

Panagopoulos, T. and Barreira, A. P. (2012). “Shrinkage perceptions and smart growth strategies for the municipalities of Portugal”. Built Environment, 38 (2), pp. 276-292

Serafim, A., Company, R., Lopes, B., Silva, N., Castela, E., Bebianno, M.J., Castela, G. (2012). “Profile analysis of mothers susceptible to contaminants exposure in the Algarve region: application of the Hj-biplot method”. Biometrical Letters. 49(1), pp. 57-66. ISSN: 1896-3811

Romão, J., Guerreiro, J. and Rodrigues, P. (2012) “Innovative Integration in Tourism”, Discussion Papers - Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 11, Junho 2012, CIEO, University of Algarve

Ferreira, V., Panagopoulos, T. (2012). “Predicting Soil Erosion Risk at the Alqueva Dam Watershed”. Spatial and Organizational Dynamics- Discussion Papers, 9, pp.60-80.

Panagopoulos, T. (2012). “The role of soil properties variability to reclamation success on the lignite strip-mined land in Northern Greece”. Spatial and Organizational Dynamics- Discussion Papers, 9, pp. 43-59.

Noronha Vaz, E., Vaz Noronha, T. and Nijkamp, P. (2012) “The use of gravity concepts for agricultural land-use dynamics: a case study on the Algarve” Int. J. Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol. 8, Nos. 2/3

Vaz, E., Noronha, T. and Nijkamp, P. (2012) “A Landscape Assessment of Changes in Agricultural Land Patterns in the Algarve: The Regional Challenge of Tourism and Agriculture”, Regional Science Association International World Congress, Timisuara, May 10-12, Romenia

Neto, P., Valadas, P. Noronha, T. (2012), “The Knowledge - Intensive Service Activities (KISA) as Key Driver for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A Case Study for the Cluster of the Sea in Algarve” 15th Uddevalla Symposium, on: "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Networks" in the overall theme "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Networks”

Vaz, E., Noronha, M. T., Shafizadeh, H., Kumar, S., Nijkamp, P., (2012), “Business Topographies: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of 150 years of Indian Business”, 15th Uddevalla Symposium, on: "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Networks" in the subtheme IV: "Mobility and Innovation Flows"

Almeida, N., Silva, J., Mendes, J. and Valle, P. (2012). “The Effects of Marketing Communication on the Tourist’s Hotel Reservation Process”. ANATOLIA: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 23(2), pp. 234-25

Agapito, D., Mendes, J. and Valle, P.  (2012). “The Rural Village as an Open Door to Nature-Based Tourism in Portugal: The Aldeia da Pedralva Case”.Tourism - An International Interdisciplinary Journal,60(3), pp. 325-338

Peter Nijkamp and Eveline van Leeuwen (2012). “Agricultural policy in Europe: an experiment on economic, social and ecological sustainability”. XL Incontro di Studio del Ce.S.E.T., pp. 9-15.

Aliye Ahu Akgün, Eveline van Leeuwen and Peter Nijkamp (2012). “Sustainability Science as a Basis for Policy Evaluation”. International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics. Vol. 21, nº4, pp. 1-22

Giaoutzi, M., Stratigea, A.,van Leeuwen, E. and Nijkamp, P. (2012) “Scenario analysis as a foresight tool in agriculture”, Int. J. Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol. 8, Nos. 2/3, pp.105–128

Van Leeuwen, E.S., Giaoutzi M. and Nijkamp, P. (2012). “Editorial”, Int. J. Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol. 8, Nos. 2/3, pp.101–104

Ferreira, P.L., Ferreira, L.N. e Pereira, L.N. (2012). "Medidas sumário física e mental de estado de saúde para a população portuguesa". Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública, 30(2), 163-171. (LATINDEX indexed)

Marques, J. F. e Borges, M. (2012), “Educação inter/multicultural no jardim de infância. Os livros infantis e as suas imagens da alteridade, Revista Educação, Sociedade e Culturas, nº 36 (81-102), ISSN:0872-7643-00-36

Guimarães, S., Lemos, I., and Nunes, C. (2012). “Social skills and academic achievement in first and second generation adolescent immigrants in Portugal”. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta. 38(157-158). 27-38. ISSN: 0211-7339.


Carrasqueira, H. (2012), "Turismo Internacional: Os grandes operadores turísticos e as principais tendências de evolução", Journal of Tourism and Development, nº 17/18, Vol. 4, Special Issue - Extended Abstracts of INVTUR 2012 Internacional Conference, ISSN: 2182-1453, pp. 785-796

Carrasqueira, H. (2012), "Teorias e dimensões da internacionalização no grupo Pestana Hotels & Resorts", Journal of Tourism and Development, nº 17/18, Vol. 4, Special Issue - Extended Abstracts of INVTUR 2012 Internacional Conference, ISSN: 2182-1453, pp. 109-110

Henriques, C. (2012), “Turismo Sustentável e valorização patrimonial. A (re)construção da Viagem Filosófica de Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira – o primeiro naturalista português”, Journal of Tourism and Development, nº17|18-2012, Volume 2, pp. 1081-1091

Henriques, C. e Quinteiro, S. (2012), “Olhão Cidade de Turismo Literário: Uma realidade Longínqua”, Journal of Tourism and Development, nº17|18-2012, Volume 3, pp. 1583-1596

Henriques, C. e Figueiredo Santos, J. (2012), “Trilhos Gastronómicos na Gastronomia”, Journal of Tourism and Development, nº17|18-2012, Volume3, pp. 1235-1244

Eurico, S., Silva, J. A. and Valle, P. (2012) “Recursos Humanos Qualificados no Turismo: Factores de Diferenciação. O Caso dos Pólos de Desenvolvimento Turístico do Oeste e de Leiria-Fátima”, Tourism and Management Studies, 8, pp. 30-40

Eurico, S., Valle, P. and Silva, J. (2012) “Segmenting Graduates Consumers of Higher Education in Tourism: An Extension of the ECSI Model”. Spatial and Organizational Dynamics Discussion Papers, 10, pp. 39-51

Marques, J. F. and Borges, M. (2012). “Educação inter/multicultural no jardim de infância. Os livros infantis e as suas imagens da alteridade”. Educação, Sociedade e Culturas. 36. 81-102. ISSN:0872-7643-00-36.

Articles in Journals without index


Henriques, C. e Gouveia, P., (2012), “A importância da Motivação Cultural na procura turística dos estudantes do ensino superior em Portugal”, VII Seminário de Pesquisa em Turismo do Mercosul - Turismo e paisagem: relações complexas, Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, Brasil, 16 e 17 de Novembro de 2012


Covas, A (2012), “Em busca da Segunda Ruralidade”, Revista XXI, Ter Opinião, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos. 2013, pp. 70-78.

Biscaia, S., Castela, E., Castela, G. (2012). “Um contributo da Metodologia Hj-Biplot na avaliação do crescimento dos mercados emissores Escandinavos no Algarve: O caso da abertura da base da RYANAIR no Aeroporto de Faro”. Revista Turismo e Desenvolvimento. (1)17/18, pp.  415-425. ISSN: 1645-9261

Carrasqueira, H. (2012) “Turismo Internacional: Os grandes operadores turísticos e as principais tendências de evolução”, Journal of Tourism and Development, nº17/18, pp.785-796, DEGEI, Universidade de Aveiro

marca 2011

Akgün, A. A., van Leeuwen, E. S. and Peter Nijkamp (2011) “Analytical support tool for sustainable futures”. Romanian Journal of Regional Science 5(2), 1-24

Barreira, A. P. e Baleiras, R. N. (2011) “Citizens’ voice as a device for political choices”, China-USA Business Review, 10(4), pp.298-313. ISSN: 1537-1514, Indexed in Database of EBSCO, Chinese Database of CEPS, and Chinese Scientific Journals Database

Bekmirzaev, G., Beltrão, J., Neves, M. A., Costa, M. (2011) “Climatical Changes on the potential capacity of salt removing species”. NAUN International Journal of Geology 5(3):79-85

Cesário, M., M. T. N. Vaz (2011) “The effects of globalisation on the performance of labour-intensive industries from southern Europe: the role of localised capabilities”, International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 1(4), 53-63, ISSN 2162-6359

Dekkers, G. and van Leeuwen, E. S. (2011) Editorial special issue on “methodological issues in microsimulation”, International Journal of Microsimulation (2010) 3(2) 1-2

Dekkers, G. and van Leeuwen, E. S. (2011) Editorial Special Issue on “Taxation and Microsimulation”, International Journal of Microsimulation (2011) 4(2) 1-2

Figueira, A. C., Cavaco, T. (2011) “Changes in Physical and Chemical Parameters of the Traditional Portuguese Product Agua-mel During the Production Process”. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. doi:10.1111/j.1745-4549.2011.00590.x

Finus, M. and Pintassilgo, P. (2011) “International environmental agreements under uncertainty: Does the veil of uncertainty help?”, Oxford Economic Papers, pp. 1-29, doi:10.1093/oep/gpr054

Gago, C., Sousa, AR., Julião, M., Miguel, G., Antunes., D., Panagopoulos, T. (2011) “Sustainable use of energy in the storage of halophytes used for food”. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 5(4): 592-59

Gualda, E. & Escriva, A. (2011) “Diversity in return migration and its impact on old age: the expectations and experiences of returnees in Huelva (Spain)”. International Migration. ISSN 0020-7985, 18 pp. DOI:10.1111/J.1468-2435.2011.00728.X

Gualda, E. (2011) “Integration, Identity and Sense of Belonging to Spain of Teenagers and Youth Immigrants in Huelva: Explanatory Factors”.Migraciones Internacionales, vol. 6, nº 2, pp.9-39. ISSN: 1665- 8906

Gualda, E. (2011) “La gestión de la diversidad y sus desafíos: nacionales, extranjeros y sus descendientes”. Revista Claves, pp. 97-99

Gualda, E., Fragoso, A. y Lucio-Villegas, E. (2011) “The border, the people and the river: development of the cross-border area between southern Spain and Portugal”. Community Development Journal, December, 17 pp. ISSN 1468-2656. DOI:10.1093/CDJ/BSR064

Gualda, E., Lucio, E., Fragoso, A., Martins, V., González, T., Gualda, J. M. (2011) “Learning Contexts of «the Others»: identity building processes in southern Europe”. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA), vol. 2, n. 2, pp.151-163. ISSN: 2000-7426

Guerreiro, M., Mendes, J. and Valle, P. (2011) “Allgarve Event: Implications in the Algarve Image”. Tourism - An International Interdisciplinary Journal. 59 (2):125-240. ISSN:1332-7461

Kourtit, K., Nijkamp, P., van Leeuwen, E.S. and Bruinsma, F. (2011) “Evaluation of cyber-tools in cultural tourism”, Int. J. Sustainable Development, Vol. 14, Nos. 3/4, pp.179–205

Lemos, I. T., Faísca, L. M., &e Valadas, S. C. (2011) “Assessment of Psychopathological Problems in School Context: The Psychometric Properties of a Portuguese Version of the Adolescent Psychopathology Scale – Short Form”. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29(1), 63-74

Magalhães, R. (2011) “Re-interpreting Organization Design in the Light of Enacted Cognition Theory”. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol 28, nº 6, 663–679

Martínez, E. e Gualda, E. (2011) “Latinos in the U.S. and Spain: Demographics, Designations and Political Identities”. European Journal of Social Work, vol. 14, 2, pp.155-175. Publicado como primera version on line el 25 de agosto de 2010, con DOI: 10.1080/13691451003744366, ISSN: 1468-2664

Mendes, J., Valle, P. and Guerreiro, M. (2011) “Destination Image and Events: A Structural Model for the Algarve Case”, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. 19 (3/4): 366-384. ISSN: 1936-8623

Silva, A. J., Ferreira, M. A., Amaral, J., Ferreira, F., António, J., and Coelho, M. (2011) “A Model For the Portuguese Tourism Market”, Aplimat- Journal of Applied Mathematics, 4 (2), pp 299 - 313. ISSN: 1337-6365

Valle, P., Guerreiro, M., Mendes, J. and Silva, J. (2011) “The Cultural Offer as a Tourist Product in Coastal Destinations: The Case of the Algarve”, Portugal, Tourism and Hospitality Research. 11 (4): 233-247. ISSN: 1467-3584

Valle, P., Mendes, J., Guerreiro, M. and J. Silva (2011) “Can Welcoming Residents Increase Tourist Satisfaction? The Case of Algarve, Portugal”. ANATOLIA: International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research. 22 (2):260-277. ISSN:1303-2917

van Leeuwen, E. S. and Nijkamp, P. (2011) “The importance of e-services in cultural tourism: an application to Amsterdam, Leipzig and Genoa”, Int. J. Sustainable Development, Vol. 14, Nos. 3/4, pp.262–289

van Leeuwen, E. S. e Rietveld, P. (2011) “Spatial Consumer Behaviour in Small and Medium-sized Towns”, Regional Studies, 45:8, 1107-1119

Vaz, E., Cabral, P.; Caetano, M., Painho, M. and Nijkamp, P. (2011) “Urban heritage endangerment at the interface of future cities and past heritage: A spatial vulnerability assessment”, Habitat International (FI>1)

Vaz, E., Caetano, M., Nijkamp, P.(2011) “A Multi-level spatial urban pressure analysis of the Giza Pyramid Plateau in Egypt”, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 6(2), pp. 99-108

Vaz, E., Caetano, M., Nijkamp, P.(2011) “Trapped between antiquity and urbanism – a multi-criteria assessment model of the greater Cairo Metropolitan area”, Journal of Land Use Science, 6(4):283-299)

Vaz, E., Caetano, M., Nijkamp, P. and Painho, M. (2011) “A multi-scenario prospection of urban change – a study on urban growth in the Algarve”, Landscape and Urban Planning. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.10.007 (FI>1)

Vaz, E., Nainggolan, D., Nijkamp, P. and Painho, M.(2011) “Crossroads of Tourism: a complex spatial system analysis of tourism and urban sprawl”, International Journal of Sustainable Development. 14(3), pp. 225-241

Vaz, E., Noronha, M. T. and Nijkamp, P. (2011) “Gravity Models for Agricultural Land-use change: The Case of the Algarve”, International Journal of Sustainable Development.

Coelho, P.S. e Pereira, L.N. (2011)."A Spatial Unit Level Model for Small Area Estimation". REVSTAT – Statistical Journal, 9:2, 155-180 (ISI WoS indexed). IF<1

Henriques, C. e Gouveia, C., (2011)," Turismo Cultural e os estudantes do ensino superior. O caso do Algarve", in Book of Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies – Algarve, 2011, Encontros Científicos – Tourism Mangement Studies, Special Edition, pp. 623-632

Henriques, C. e Quinteiro, S., (2011)," O Turismo Literário. Olhão sob a perspectiva de João Lucio", in Book of Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies – Algarve, 2011, Encontros Científicos – Tourism Mangement Studies, Special Edition, pp. 614-622

Henriques, C. e Custódio, Mª J., (2011), “Turismo e Gastronomia: A Valorização do Património na Região do Algarve”, in Revista Encontros Científicos – Tourism Management Studies, nº6, Fevereiro de 2011, pp. 69-81

marca 2010

Marado, Catarina Almeida (2010), “Do sagrado ao profano: o processo de atribuição de um uso às antigas casas regulares do Algarve”, Promontoria – Revista do Departamento de História, Arqueologia e Património da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais da Universidade do Algarve, pp. 289-307.

Hernández-Díaz, R.; Pimentel-González, D.J.; Figueira, A. C.; Viniegra-González, G. and Campos-Montiel, R.G. (2010) “Influence of an aerobic fungus grown on solid culture on ruminal degradability and on a mixture culture of anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria”. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 94, 330–337.

Domínguez, J. A.; Roig, B. and Aledo, A. (2010), “The identity of sociology or what to do when the universe is unknown: qualitative solutions against the quantitative obsession”, in Discussion Papers edited by CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics

Domínguez, J. A. and  Reigota, M. (2010), “La amazonía en España: análisis del discurso de universitarios españoles”. Revista de Estudos Universitarios, Univ. Sao Paulo (Brasil).

Cabecinha, A., Guerrero, C. and Beltrão, J. (2010), “Carob residues as a substrate and a soil organic amendment”. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 6(5):317-326.

Meyers, L.; Pintassilgo, P.; Beltrão, J.; Giesche, C. and Dionísio, L. (2010), “Anthropogenic effects in a coastal lagoon (south Portugal) related to tidal and spatial changes in nutrients”. WSEAS   Transactions on Environment and Development 6(7):529-538.

Jacquinet, M. (2010), “Four decades of changing health systems in Southern Europe; A comparative analysis centered on the Portuguese case”, Sociologia Online - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, Volume 1, nº 2, Novembro de 2010, em co-autoria.

Pintassilgo, P.; Finus, M., Lindroos, M. and Munro, G. (2010) Stability and Success of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 46, No 3, pp. 377-402.

Panagopoulos T. and Loures, L.,(2010). “Reclamation of derelict industrial land in Portugal - greening is not enough”in International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning, 5: 103-111.

Duque, J.A.G. and  Panagopoulos, T. (2010)“Urban planning throughout environmental quality and human well-being” inDiscussion Papers edited by CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 4:7-20.

Jankovska, I.; Straupe, I. and Panagopoulos, T. (2010), “Professional’s awareness in promotion of conservation and management of urban forests as green infrastructure of Riga, Latvia”. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 6(8): 614-623.

Ferreira, V. and Panagopoulos, T. (2010), “Erosion Risk Map of a Foupana River Watershed in Algarve, Portugal”. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 6(9): 635-644.

Carrilho, Tiago (2010), “Partnerships for local employment promotion: a case study”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, volume 9, number 1, pp. 59-69.

Carrilho, Tiago (2010),“Comunicação em parcerias locais para a promoção do emprego – um estudo de caso sobre responsabilidade social dos agentes empresariais”. Contemporanea – Revista de Comunicação e Cultura da Universidade Federal da Bahia, vol. 8, nº 1, Jul., 2010 (edição on-line não paginada).

Valadas, S.; Goncalves, F.; Faisca, L. (2010). "Approaches to studying in higher education Portuguese students: a Portuguese version of the approaches and study skills inventory for students". Higher Education, Vol 59 (3), pp. 259-275

Silva, J.A.; Rodrigues, P.M.M.; Mendes, J. and Pereira, L.N. (2010), A Tourism Research Agenda for Portugal, International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol 12 (1), 90-101

Pereira, L. N. and Coelho, P.S. (2010), Small area estimation of mean price of habitation transaction using time-series and cross-sectional area level models, Journal of Applied Statistics, Vol 37 (4), pp. 651-666

Pereira, L.N. and Coelho, P.S. (2010), Assessing different uncertainty measures of EBLUP: a resampling-based approach, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol 80 (7), pp. 713-727

van Leeuwen, Eveline; Nijkamp, Peter (2010) "A microsimulation model for e-services in cultural heritage tourism", TOURISM ECONOMICS, Volume: 16, Issue: 2, pp. 361-384

Santos-Rodrigues, H.; Dorrego, P. F.; Jardon, C. M. (2010), The Relation Between Network of Collaboration (as a Relational Capital Dimension) and Firm Innovativeness, in Rodrigues, S. (Ed) Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Intellectual Capital, pp. 521-528

marca 2009

Salvá, B.K., Zumalacárregui, J.M., Figueira, A.C., Osorio, M.T. Mateo, J. (2009). Nutrient composition and technological quality of meat from alpacas reared in Peru. Meat Science, 82, 450–455.

Hernández-Díaz, R., Pimentel-González, D.J., Figueira, A. C., Viniegra-González, G., Campos-Montiel, R.G. Influence of an aerobic fungus grown on solid culture on ruminal degradability and on a mixture culture of anaerobic cellulolytic bacteria. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. Accepted for publication. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2008.00912.x.

Panagopoulos T. 2009. Linking forestry, sustainability and aesthetics. Ecological Economics, Volume 68: 2485-2489.

Nijkamp, P., Leeuwen, E.S. van & Rietveld, P. (2009). Climate change: From global concern to regional challenge. Romanian Journal of Regional Science, 3(2), 18-38. (VU)

Covas, A., (2009), Glocalização, reterritorialização e transformação da paisagem agro-rural, Estudos Regionais, Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, 1º Quadrimestre

Carrilho, T. (2009) «Construção de parcerias em projectos de promoção local do emprego», Sociologia - Revista do Departamento de Sociologia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, nº 19, pp. 155 – 176.

Carrilho T., Jaquinet, M. E Porfírio, J. (2009) «The concept of agricultural district and the question of rural development», Spatial and Organizational Dynamics – Discussion Papers, nº 1, Trimestrial Edition, September, pp. 43-61, CIEO – Research Center for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, University of Algarve. ISSN: 1647-3183 (publicação electrónica), Algarve.

Marado, C. A., Correia, M. (2009). “O contexto do património arquitectónico: um projecto de investigação”. Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, Discussion Papers nº2. Faro, CIEO, Universidade do Algarve, pp. 83-91. ISSN: 1647-3183

Leeuwen, E.S. van (2009). Landbouw en de locale Nederlandse economie. Economisch-statistische Berichten, 94(4570S), 60-66. (VU)

marca 2008

Cesário, M. and Vaz, M.T.N.(2008) “How do small firms from European rural regions learn and innovate?” in WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, Issue 10, Volume 4, pp. 835-845.

Covas, António Alhinho, “Unidades de Paisagem, Agricultura Multifuncional e o Desenvolvimento Regional: Em busca de uma nova governança Agro-Rural”, Revista Internacional em Língua Portuguesa: Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural, AULP, Lisboa, ISSN 1518-8434.

João Filipe Marques, “Les «logiques» du racisme dans la société portugaise contemporaine”, Migrations – Société, numéro 115, janvier-février, 2008.

Lassen, M.S., Panagopoulos, T., 2008. Environmental awareness at the protected area of Brilhante, Brazil. International Journal of Energy and Environment, 2(1): 1-8.

Miguélez, E.; Zumalacárregui, J.M.; Osorio, M.T.; Figueira, A.C.; Fonseca, B.; Mateo, J. (2008). Quality traits of suckling-lamb meat covered by the protected geographical indication “Lechazo de Castilla y León” European quality label. Small Ruminant Research, 77(1), 65-70.

Neves, M.A., Miguel, M.G., Marques, C., Panagopoulos, T., Beltrao, J. 2008. The combined effects of salts and calcium on growth and mineral accumulation of Tetragonia tetragonioides – A salt removing species. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development Vol. 4(1): 1-5.

Osorio, M.T.; Zumalacárregui, J.M.; E.A. Cabeza, Figueira, A.; Mateo, J. (2008). Effect of rearing system on some meat quality traits and volatile compounds of suckling lamb meat. Small Ruminant Research, 78(1-3), 1-12.

Panagopoulos, T. and Antunes M.D.C. 2008. Integrating geostatistics and GIS for assessment of erosion risk on low density Quercus suber woodlands of South Portugal. Arid Land Research and Management 22(2): 159-177.

Pinto, H. e Guerreiro, J. (2008) Innovation Regional Planning and Latent Dimensions: the Case of the Algarve Region, Annals of Regional Science.

marca 2007

Loures L., Panagopoulos T. (2007). “Sustainable reclamation of industrial areas in urban landscapes”, in Kungolas, A., Brebbia, C. A. and Beriatos, E. (eds) Sustainable Development and Planning III, WIT Press, Southampton, pp. 791 - 800.

Panagopoulos T. and Ramos B. (2008). “Linking forests, aesthetics and sustainability”, Sustainable science (submitted).

Panagopoulos, T. (2007). “Assessment of reclamation potentiality in the lignite mines of northern Greece”, in Barnhisel, R. I. (Ed.) Thirty Years of Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act and Beyond., Published by the American Society of Mining and Reclamation (ASMR), 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502, pp. 602 - 610.

Panagopoulos, T. (2007). “The use of geostatistical techniques applied to soil conservation of low density woodlands”, in Eco- and Ground Bio-Engineering: The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability. Stokes A., Spanos I., Norris J., Cammeraat, L. H. (Eds). Springer, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 239 - 246.

Panagopoulos, T. (2008). “Integrating geostatistics and GIS for assessment of erosion risk on low density Quercus suber woodlands of South Portugal”, in Arid Land Research and Management 22(2): 159-177.

Panagopoulos, T., Matias, R., Ramos, B. (2007). “Visual impact and reclamation of limestone quarries in Algarve Portugal”, in Barnhisel, R. I. (Ed.) Thirty Years of Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act and Beyond, Published by the American Society of Mining and Reclamation (ASMR), 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY 40502, pp. 611 - 617.

Other International Publications

marca 2017

Panagopoulos, T., Antunes, M.D.C. Karanikola, P. & Lakoova, L. (2017). Rural renaissance through synergies of land and sea communities. In A. Kungolos, C. Laspidou, K. Aravossis, P. Samaras, K.W. Schramm & G. Marnellos (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE2017) (pp. 1217-1222). Thessaloniki, Greece: Grafima Publications. ISBN 978-618-5271-15-2.

Rosa, M. & Gil, F. (2017). Equity and welfare in the use of bus stops. In S.N. Jesus & P. Pinto (Eds.), Book of Proceedings of the II International Congress Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences (pp. 80-90). Faro, Portugal: CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, University of Algarve. ISBN 978-989-8472-82-3. 

Rosa, M. & Gil, F.C. (2017). Acessibilidade para todos no espaço urbano e nos transportes. Uma condição para uma vida independente e qualidade de vida. In M.L. Borges, C. Luísa & M.H. Martins (Eds.), Livro de atas do II Congresso Internacional Direitos Humanos e Escola Inclusiva: Múltiplos Olhares (pp. 295-304). Faro, Portugal: Universidade do Algarve. ISBN 978-989-8859-03-7.

Rosa, M., Gameiro, C., Rodrigues, J. & Alves, R. (2017). Mobility patterns of the elderly in Faro. In S.N. Jesus & P. Pinto (Eds.), Book of Proceedings of the II International Congress Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences (pp. 738-746). Faro, Portugal: CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, University of Algarve. ISBN 978-989-8472-82-3.

Rosa, M., Landim, I. & Loureiro, N. (2017). Análise da acessibilidade de percursos culturais em Faro. Um contributo para a regeneração urbana e o turismo acessível. In C.S. Freire, C. Mangas & C. Sousa (Eds.), Livro de atas da IV Conferência Internacional para a Inclusão 2016 (INCLUDiT) (pp. 87-99). Leiria, Portugal: Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais, Centro de Investigação em Inclusão e Acessibilidade em Ação.  ISBN 978-989-8797-14-8.

Silva, R.S., León, D.E.F., Almaraz-Buendia, I., Rodríguez, O.R., Figueira, A.C. & Campos-Montiel, R.G. (2017). Efecto del ultrasonido en la actividad antioxidante e hidrometilfurfural de una miel multifloral recien colectada.  In A.M. Sales Cruz, M.Á. Morales Cabrera, M.R. Enríquez Rosado, J.R. Robledo Ortíz, N. Ramírez Corona, A. Bonilla Petriciolet & J.A. Ochoa Tapia (Eds.), XXXVIII Encuentro Nacional de la AMIDIQ (pp. ALI-163-ALI-167). Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico: Academia Mexicana de Investigación y Docencia en Ingeniería Química (AMIDIQ). ISBN-978-607-95593-5-9

Solis-Silva, R., Almaraz-Buendia, I., Del Razo Rodríguez, O.E., Figueira, A.C., Quintero-Lira, A. & Campos-Montiel, R.G. (2017). Effect of ultrasound in bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity during the storage of a monofloral honey. In S.N. Jesus & P. Pinto (Eds.), Book of Proceedings of the II International Congress Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences (pp. 972-976). Faro, Portugal: CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, University of Algarve. ISBN 978-989-8472-82-3.


marca 2016

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2016). Dos territórios-zona (TR) aos territórios-rede (T-R): um instrumento para a 2ª ruralidade pós-produtivista. I Coloquio Internacional de Geografia Rural - Colorural2016 - XVIII Colóquio de Geografia Rural da AGE, Ciudad Real (Espanha). 7-9 Setembro 2016. 590-604. Acessível em,

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2016). Cultura Digital, Inteligência Colectiva e Interdisciplinaridade. Proceedings of the International Congress on Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences. 5th-6th May. 2016. CIEO. Faro. Universidade do Algarve. 79-88. Acessível em:

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2016). Os Territórios Inteligentes e Criativos da 2ª Ruralidade: Um Ensaio Exploratório em Redor da Dieta Mediterrânica. II Encontro Lusófono em Economia, Sociologia, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural (ESADR 2016).“Políticas Públicas” para a Agricultura PÓS 2020. VIII Congresso da APDEA, ESADR 2016. Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra – Escola Superior Agrária. Coimbra. 7-9 Setembro 2016.

Cavaco, A. M., Antunes, M. D., Guerra, R., Rosendo, M., Pires, R, Brázio, A., Silva, L., Afonso, A. M. and Panagopoulos, T. (2016). Fruit quality survey techniques to optimize crop management in Citrus orchards. VIII International Postharvest Symposium. Cartagena. 21-24 June 2016.

Cavaco, A. M., Antunes, M. D., Panagopoulos, T., Rosendo, M., Pires, R, Brázio, A., Silva, L., Afonso, A. M. and Guerra R. (2016). Upgrading current practices in Vis/NIR spectroscopy for in situ orchard monitoring. VIII International Postharvest Symposium. Cartagena. 21-24 June 2016.

Panagopoulos, T., Ferreira, V. and Antunes, M. D. (2016). Towards a strategic research agenda on soil, land-use and land management in Europe. In: Kungolos, A., Christodoulatos, C., Koutsospyros, A., Emmanouil, C., Laspidou, C., Mallios, Z. and Dermatas, D. (Eds). 13th Int. Conf. Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 3-8 July 2016. Myconos. 699-706. ISBN: 978-960-6865-94-7

Karanikola, P., Panagopoulos, T., Tampakis, S. and Kontou-Bouglali, A. (2016). Views, needs, attitudes, personal reflections on behavior and demographics of cyclists and affected residents in the city of Preveza, Greece. In: Kungolos, A., Christodoulatos, C., Koutsospyros, A., Emmanouil, C., Laspidou, C., Mallios, Z. and Dermatas, D. (Eds). 13th Int. Conf. Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 3-8 July 2016. Myconos. 785-791. ISBN: 978-960-6865-94-7

Tampakis, S., Panagopoulos, T., Karanikola, P., Ypsilopoulos, P. (2016). The contribution of the marine and coastal environment in the quality of resident’s life in the city of Kavala. In: Kungolos, A., Christodoulatos, C., Koutsospyros, A., Emmanouil, C., Laspidou, C., Mallios, Z., Dermatas, D. (Eds). 13th Int. Conf. Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 3-8 July 2016. Myconos. 839-846. ISBN: 978-960-6865-94-7

Costa, S. S. and Panagopoulos, T. (2016). Proposal for a historic-cultural accessible route in the Historic Centre of Faro city as an opportunity for sustainable urban planning. In: Kungolos, A., Christodoulatos, C., Koutsospyros, A., Emmanouil, C., Laspidou, C., Mallios, Z. and Dermatas, D. (Eds). 13th Int. Conf. Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 3-8 July 2016. Myconos. 795-803. ISBN: 978-960-6865-94-7

Samora-Arvela, A., Ferrão, J., Ferreira, J., Oliveira, R., Panagopoulos, T. and Vaz, E. (2016). Infraestrutura Verde e Alterações Climáticas: Um Contributo para a Mitigação e Adaptação do Território às Alterações Climáticas. In: García M. R., Alonso S. F., Belmonte S. F. and Moreno M. D. (Eds.). XV Coloquio Ibérico de Geografía. Retos y tendencias de la Geografía Ibérica: Universidad de Murcia-AGE-APG. 7-9 Novembro 2016. Murcia. 376-381. ISBN: 978-84-944193-4-8

Vaz, E. (2016). #happy: land use and happiness. Proceedings of the Canadian Association of Geographers - Ontario Division (CAGONT) 2016 Annual Meeting. October 28-29, 2016. Waterloo. Ontario.

Samora-Arvela, A., Ferreira, J., Panagopolous, T. and Vaz, E. (2016). Tourism and Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation in the Path of Transformation, International Congress on Interdisciplinarity in Social and Human Sciences. Faro. 5th-6th May, 2016.

Cobos Velasco, J. E., Hernandez-Fuentes, A. D., Figueira, A. C., Cenobio-Galindo, A. J. and Campos-Montiel, R. G. (2016). Efecto Licuación de Mieles Cristalizadas por Ultrasonido en la Actividad Antibacteriana, ALI 100- ALI 103. XXXVII Encuentro Nacional de la AMIDIQ. Puerto Vallarta. Jalisco. 3-6 maio. ISBN: 978-607-95593-4-2.

marca 2015

Barros, T., Mateus, T., Santos, A., Pinto, W., Dias, J., Vieira, M.M.C. and Figueira, A. C. (2015). “Acidification of semi-moist feed for tuna as a strategy of microbiological control: effects on the nutritional value”. In XV Congreso Nacional e  I Congreso Ibérico de Acuicultura. Huelva. October. Spain.

Mateus, T., Barros, T., Rodrigues, V., Santos, A., Dias, J., Figueira, A. C. and Vieira, M.M.C. (2015). “Microbiological characterization of ingredients and soft-textured high performance diets for Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)”. Aquaculture Europe. Rotterdam. October. Netherlands.

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2015). “Sociedade do conhecimento, escalas de governo e governança territorial: a sociedade portuguesa em transição”. In Actas do II Congresso Internacional SETED-ANTE. Santiago de Compostela. 1-3 de Julho (Versão em CD-ROM).

marca 2014

Covas A. e Covas, M. M. (2014). “Da micreogeoeconomia aos territórios-rede”. In X Coloquio Ibérico de Estudios Rurales. Territorios rurales, Agriculturas locales y Cadenas alimentarias, (X CIER). Editorial. Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). pp 137-140. Editado por: Asociación Española de Economía Agraria, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. / Ref: 6193_01_01_01. ISBN: 978-84-9048-285-8.

Panagopoulos, T. (2014). “Landscape quality and public participation in rural projects”. Conference: The European Pilgrimage Routes for Promoting Sustainable and Quality Tourism in Rural Areas. University of Bologna. December, 4-6, 2014, Florence, Italy.

marca 2013

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2013). “A caminho da 2ª ruralidade: a microgeoeconomia de novos sistemas territoriais – A experiência do Projecto Querença”. 1st International Meeting – Geography & Politics, Policies and Planning. ISBN: 978-989-8648-03-7. CEGOT. E-book_Geography&PPP.pdf. 1, 528-540.

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2013). “Territórios-rede: Uma nova estratégia para a reocupação de espaços rurais em estado de necessidade”. Actas do VII Congresso APDEA – V Congresso SPER – I Encontro Lusófono Economia, Sociologia, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural (ESADR 2013). ESADRE 2013 – Alimentar mentalidades, vencer a crise global. Évora. Universidade de Évora. 2471-I-XXIII. ISBN: 978-989-8550-19-4. Dezembro de 2013. Disponível em file:///D:/Downloads/ESADR2013_Atas%20(1).pdf

Burgos, E. and Domínguez, J. A. (2013). “La mujer rural en el desarrollo, tradición y cultura de los municipios rurales de interior”. Aportaciones sobre la intervención social en tiempo de malestares. Congreso Nacional de Trabajo Social. Marbella. ISBN: 978-84616-6983-7.

Márquez, M., Domínguez J. A., Relinque F. and Burgos, E. (2013). “Castañas, fuego y asociacionismo: funciones sociosanitarias de los familiares de enfermos mentales”. Congreso Nacional de Enfermería de la Salud Mental, Sevilla.

Gualda, E. (2013). “Percepción y experiencias de discriminación y rechazo, identidad, pertenencia y lengua: el caso del estudio Hijai en Huelva, 2007 y 2010”.  VII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao. 11-13 de abril de 2012. 4451-4475. En: ISBN: 978-84-695-3086-3.

García, E.  and Gualda, E.  (2013). “Cuidadoras, dependencia e inmigración: diferentes estrategias en el cuidado”. VII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao. 11-13 de abril de 2012. 3992-4016. En: Congreso_Migraciones2012/Area_07/07_2_07.pdf . ISBN: 978-84-695-3086-3.

Gualda, E. and Tirado, A. (2013). “Siguiendo longitudinalmente a la segunda generación de inmigrantes: el caso del estudio HIJAI en Huelva”. VII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao. 11-13 de abril de 2012. 254-274. En: Congreso_Migraciones2012/Area_01/01_2_3.pdf . ISBN: 978-84-695-3086-3.

Márquez, C. and Gualda, E. (2013). “Nacionales, inmigrantes y absentismo escolar en secundaria: el caso de la provincia de Huelva”. VII Congreso sobre Migraciones Internacionales en España. Universidad del País Vasco. Bilbao. 11-13 de abril de 2012. 1795-1813. En: Congreso_Migraciones2012/Area_04/04_4_7.pdf. ISBN: 978-84-695-3086-3.

Romão, J. (2013). “Tourism and Smart Specialization”. S3 peer review: Tourism as a RIS3 priority. Smart Specialization Platform. CCDR-Algarve. Julho 2013.

Romão, J. (2013). “Knowledge, place and economic performance: Smart Specialization and the Triple Helix framework in Amsterdam and Sapporo”. International Symposium on the Creation of Sustainable Campuses. Hokkaido University. Sapporo. Japan. November 2013.

Beltrão, J., Correia, P. J., Costa, M. S., Gamito, P., Santos, R. and Seita, J. (2013). “The influence of nutrients on turfgrass response to treated wastewater application, under several saline conditions and irrigation regimes”. 8th International Conference on Water Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Contex. June, 26-29 2013. Edited by R. Maia, A. Brito, A. Teixeira, J. Valente and J. Pego. Porto. Portugal. European Water Resources Association.

Reis, M., Coelho, L., Beltrao, J. and Domingos, I. (2013). “Comparative response of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) to inorganic and organic compost fertilization”. 4th International Conference on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics. Paris. France. October 29-31. 103-110.

Santos, R., Costa, M., Beltrao, J. and Correia, P. (2013). “Combined effects of nitrogen and potassium mineral fertilization on Bermuda turfgrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) quality, irrigated with different wastewater levels”. 4th International Conference on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics. Paris. France. October 29-31. 61-68.

Do Ó, Afonso; Moral, Leandro del (2013) "Transboundary river basins planning: the Iberian challenge on implementing the European Water Framework Directive", TWAM International Conference “Transboundary water management across borders and interfaces”, Aveiro (Portugal), Universidade de Aveiro.

marca 2012

Márquez Garrido, Manuel; Domínguez Gómez, José Andrés; Relinque Medina, Fernando; Burgos Serrano, Emilio J. (2012) "Consecuencias sociales de la enfermedad mental: importancia de los cuidados ". Foro Internacional Investigación y Educación Superior en Enfermería. Granada

Marquez, Carmen; Ruiz, Marta; Dominguez, J. Andres; Gualda, Estrella (2012) "Europe in crisis - migrations, racisms and belongings in the new economic order". ESREA Network on Migration, Ethnicity, Racism and Xenophobia. Grez, Austria

Dominguez Gomez, J. Andres; Relinque, Fernando (2012) "Sustainability crisis in the countryside of southern Europe: The perspective of local experts". Planet Under Pressure. London, UK

Dominguez Gomez, J. Andres; Burgos, Emilio (2012) "Threats for sustainable rural tourism after the real-state buble: the case of South-West of Spain". Planet Under Pressure. London, UK

Domínguez Gómez, José Andrés (2012) "Evolución de los impactos sociales generados por la agricultura de alta dependencia en Andalucía desde un análisis cuantitativo". Congreso Andaluz de Sociología. Cádiz, España

Domínguez Gómez, José Andrés (2012) "Análisis cualitativo del afrontamiento de la esquizofrenia desde la perspectiva de los cuidadores". Congreso Andaluz de Sociología. Cádiz, España

Domínguez Gómez, José Andrés (2012) "Turismo rural y expansión urbanística en áreas de interior: análisis socioespacial de riesgos". Congreso Andaluz de Sociología. Cádiz, España

Do Ó, A. (2012) “Drought in a changing climate: an overview”, Internacional Workshop, APMG / World Meteorological Organisation, Lisboa, Novembro de 2012

Do Ó, Afonso (2012) "Drought management in transboundary river basins: a feasibility assessment on the Guadiana", 32nd International Geographical Congress, Köln (Germany), International Geographical Union.

Do Ó, Afonso (2012) "Drought Risk Management in transboundary river basins - a Mediterranean feasibility assessment", Risk Analysis Congress, Brac (Croatia), Wessex Institute of Technology.

Islas-Cruz, R.; Hernández-Fuentes, A.D.; Figueira, A.; Pimentel González, D.J. and Campos-Montiel, R.G. (2012). “Extracción de Compuestos Bioactivos de Diferentes Partes del Xonocostle Mediante un Método Químico Y uno Enzimático”. Pp. 1163- 1168,  XXXIII Encuentro Nacional y II Congresso Internacional AMIDIQ, “La Ingeniería Química y la Sustentabilidad”, 1 al 4 de Mayo de 2012, San José del Cabo, BCS, México

Marques, J. F. (2012) “Racism in Portugal: the recent research”, Europe in crisis – migrations, racisms and belongings in the new economic order, ESREA – Network on Migration, Ethnicity, Racism and Xenophobia, Graz, Austria, pp. 148-153. ISBN: 978-3-200-02593-6

Sequeira, B.D., Serrano, A. & Marques, J.F. (2012). “Organisational Knowledge Management: Three Case Studies in the Hospitality Industry”, in Cegarra, J. G. (Ed.)  13th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Cartagena, Spain, Academic Publishing International Limited, Reading, UK, pp.1505-1516. ISBN: 978-1-908272-64-5, ISSN: 2048-898X

Bekmirzaev, G; Beltrão, J.; Neves, M.A. (2012). “Effects of salt removal species in lettuce rotation”.  8th WSEAS Int. Conf. on New aspects of Energy, Environmental Ecossystems & Sustainable Development, Faro, Algarve, Portugal, May, 1-4, 2012, pp. 67-73

Costa, M.; Beltrao, J.; Brito, J. Guerrero, C.; Neves, M.A. (2012). “Wastewater irrigation in orange-trees – effects in plants, soil and leachates”. 8th WSEAS Int. Conf. on New aspects of Energy, Environmental Ecossystems & Sustainable Development, Faro, Algarve, Portugal, May, 1-4, 2012, pp. 50-55

Ben Asher, J.; Beltrao, J.; Anac, S.; Anac, D.; Aksoy, U. (2012). “Modeling crop rotation with salt removing species”. 8th WSEAS Int. Conf. on New aspects of Energy, Environmental Ecossystems & Sustainable Development, Faro, Algarve, Portugal, May, 1-4, 2012, pp. 62-67

Ben Asher, J.; Beltrao, J.; Anac, S.; Anac, D.; Aksoy, U. (2012). “Simulation of salt removal by crops in saline conditions”. 8th WSEAS Int. Conf. on New aspects of Energy, Environmental Ecossystems & Sustainable Development, Faro, Algarve, Portugal, May, 1-4, 2012, pp. 56-61

Ferreira, P.L., Ferreira, L.N. e Pereira, L.N. (2012). “EQ-5D and SF-6D performance in different patient groups”. Quality of life Research, 21 (sup. 1), 7. 19th Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research

Ferreira, L.N., Ferreira, P.L. e Pereira, L.N. (2012). “Estimating the Portuguese EQ-5D value set using the TTO”. Quality of life Research, 21 (sup. 1), 116. 19th Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research

Cakula, A. Ferreira, V., Panagopoulos, T. (2012). “Dynamic model of soil erosion and sediment deposit in watersheds”. 8th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, May 2-4, 2012, Faro, Portugal, pp. 33-38

Ferreira, V., Panagopoulos, T. (2012). “Predicting soil erosion at the Alqueva dam watershed: seasonal variations”. 8th International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development, May 2-4, 2012, Faro, Portugal, pp. 99-104

Panagopoulos, T. Jankovska, I., Straupe, I. (2012). “Second Life 3D city virtual environment as an urban planning tool for community engagement”. 5th Int. Conf. on Landscape Architecture, May 2-4, 2012, Faro, Portugal, pp. 13-19

Panagopoulos, T., Andrade, R., Ferreira, V., Guerrero, C. (2012). “Assessment of spatial variability of soil properties in areas under land use change due to the Alqueva dam construction”. 5th Int. Conf. on Landscape Architecture, May 2-4, 2012, Faro, Portugal, pp. 26-31

Arvela, A.S., Panagopoulos, T., Cakula, A., Ferreira, V., Azevedo, J.C. (2012). “Analysis of landscape change following the construction of the Alqueva dam, Southern Portugal – Approach and Methods”. 5th Int. Conf. on Landscape Architecture, May 2-4, 2012, Faro, Portugal, pp. 42-47

Andrade, R., Panagopoulos, T. Loures, L. (2012). “A sustainable proposal for the waterfront brownfield reclamation in Vila Real de Santo António, Portugal”. 5th Int. Conf. on Landscape Architecture, May 2-4, 2012, Faro, Portugal, pp. 59-66

Duque, G.J.A., Panagopoulos, T. (2012). “Vegetation modules for evaluation of urban green areas”. 5th Int. Conf. on Landscape Architecture, May 2-4, 2012, Faro, Portugal, pp. 111-117

Panagopoulos, T., Barreira, A.P. (2012). “Municipalities with cities growing smaller - the case of Portugal”. 5th Int. Conf. on Landscape Architecture, May 2-4, 2012, Faro, Portugal, pp. 118-122

Panagopoulos, T., Cakula, A., Ferreira, V. (2012). “Soil erosion risk assessment at the watershed of Alqueva dam, Portugal”. Protection and restoration of the environment XI, July 3-6, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 1318-1327

Vaz, Eric and Shailendra Kumar Rai, (2012), “Scenarios to predict future land degradation: A spatial DPSIR approach to the economic recession”, Conference on Sustainable Business in Asia held in Bangkok, Thailand during November 1-3, 2012

Vaz, E., Rai, S.,(2012) A DPSIR Modelling Approach to Business Sustainability in Asia, Business Sustainability in Asia Conference, Bangkok, 2nd-5th November 2012

Vaz, E., Noronha, M. T., Shafizadeh, H., Kumar, S., Nijkamp, P.,(2102) “Business Topographies: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of 150 years of Indian Business”, 14th-16th June 2012, Faro, Portugal.

Vaz, E.(2012) “From Ancient Landscapes to Future Cities: The claim of urban heritage endangerment” Regional Science Association International 2012, 9th – 12th May 2012, Timisoara, Romania.

Vaz, E.; Noronha, M. T.; Nijkamp, P. (2012) “A Landscape Assessment of Changes in Agricultural Land Patterns in the Algarve: The Regional Challenge of Tourism and Agriculture” Regional Science Association International 2012, 9th – 12th May 2012, Timisoara, Romania.

Dominguez, A.; Relinque, F.; Vaz, E.; Oltra, C.(2012) “Sustainability Crisis in the countryside of southern Europe: the perspective of local experts.”, Planet Under Pressure 2012, 25th – 29th March 2012, Excel London, UK.

marca 2011

Agapito D., Mendes, J. and Valle P. (2011) “The Sea as a Connection between Residents and Tourists in Costal Destinations: A Case in Algarve”. Discussion Papers on Spatial and Organizational Dynamics do Centro de Investigação sobre o Espaço e as Organizações (CIEO), Special issue. 8: 83-92. ISSN: 1647-3183

Almeida, M. R. and Pereira, J. M. (2011) “Customer Relationship in a Knowledge-based Economy: Personal versus virtual relationship building in a Service context”, em Proceedings da International Conference on “Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy”, (MSKE 2011), 13 a 15 de julho de 2011

Almeida, M. R. and Sousa, M. J. (2011) “The Emergence of an e-Community” Proceedings of INTED2011 Conference, 7-9 Março 2011, Valencia, Spain

Almeida, M. R., Porfirio, J. P. and Pereira, J. M. (2011) “E-Work at a Global Scale and its Impact on Employment and Management Practices”, Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2011, 6th Iberian Conference on 15-18 June, Chaves. Publicado em Atas, Indexado pelo ISI e publicado em IEEEXplore

Barreira, A. P. e Panagopoulos, T. (2011) “Crescer mais pequeno em Portugal – Implicações para as finanças locais dos municípios com cidades”, Chão Urbano – Ano XI(5), Set-Out, pp.3-32 ISSN:2178-1699

Carrilho, T., Porfírio, J. e Jacquinet, M. (2011) “Redes sociais virtuais e tecnologias da informação e da comunicação no sector da saúde: linhas de força e desafios”. APSIOT (Org.) XIVEncontroNacionaldeSIOT-EmpregoeCoesãoSocial – DaCrisedaRegulaçãoàHegemoniadaGlobalização. pp. 226-237, APSIOT. Lisboa. ISBN 978-989-95465-2-3

Costa, M., Beltrão, J., Brito, J., M. e Guerrero, C. (2011) Turfgrass plant quality response to different water regimes”. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development. 7(6):167-176

Dominguez, A., Aledo, A., Roig, B. (2011) “The identity of sociology or what to do when the universe is unknown: qualitative solutions against the quantitative obsession”. Discussion Papers Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 5. pp. 7-23

Dominguez, A., Garcia, B. (2011) “Age, dependency and socio-sanitary consecuences”. Gerokomos, 22, 1. SCIMAGO

Ferreira, V. Panagopoulos, T. (2011) “Determining the Relation between Soil Erodibility and Spatial Variability of Erosion Properties Using Geostatistical Techniques at the Alqueva Reservoir Area”. 6th International Conference on Energy & Environment, Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2011, pp. 105-110

Gago, C., Sousa, AR., Juliao, M., Miguel, G., Antunes., D., Panagopoulos, T. (2011) “Refrigeration Needs for Sustainable Preservation of Horticultural Products”. 6th International Conference on Energy & Environment, February 23-25, 2011, Cambridge, UK, pp. 53-57

Henriques, C., Gouveia, C., (2011) “Turismo Cultural e os estudantes do ensino superior. O caso do Algarve, in Book of Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies – Algarve, 2011, Encontros Científicos – Tourism Management Studies, Special Edition, pp.623-632. Revista indexada nas bases de dados internacionais: EBSCO, SCIELO, LATINDEX, SCIRUS, CIRET, OJS, Google Scholar

Henriques, C., Quinteiro, S., (2011) “O Turismo Literário. Olhão sob a perspectiva de João Lúcio”, in Book of Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies – Algarve, 2011, Encontros Científicos – Tourism Management Studies, Special Edition, pp.614-622. Revista indexada nas bases de dados internacionais: EBSCO, SCIELO, LATINDEX , SCIRUS, CIRET, OJS, Google Scholar

Loures, L., Burley, J. and Panagopoulos, T., (2011) “Postindustrial Landscape Redevelopment: addressing the past, envisioning the future”. International Journal of Energy and Environment, Vol. 5 (5) 714-724

Neves, M.A., Miguel, M. G., Antunes, M. D., Beltrão, J., Pedro, L. G., Barroso, J. G., Figueiredo, A. C., Dandlen, S. A. (2011) “Characterization of the monovarietal olive oil of “Maçanilha Algarvia”, the main cultivar of Algarve”. Symposium Científico-Técnico Expoliva 2011. Jaen, Espanha, 11 a 13 Maio 2011. Texto apresentado em CD-Rom

Panagopoulos, T, Barreira, A. P. (2011) “Determinants and shrink smart strategies for the municipalities of Portugal”. International conference on Shrinkage in Europe; causes, effects and policy strategies, 16-17 February 2011, Amsterdam, Holland

Porfirio, J. (2011) “The Portuguese Economic Divergence with European Union: a call for Corporate Strategy in light of New Economic Geography Principles”, CIEO Discussion Papers - Spatial and Organizational Dynamics – Economics and Public Policies, Number 6, Quarterly Edition, March 2011, pp. 7-22, CIEO, University of Algarve, ISSN: 1647-3183

Romão J, Guerreiro, J and Rodrigues, P (2011) “Tourism Area Life-cycle and Regional Tourism Attractiveness”, International Conference on Tourism & Management Studies, Universidade do Algarve, Faro

Vaz, E.; Nijkamp, P.; Painho, M.(2011) “Gravitational Forces in Spatial Impacts of Urban Sprawl.”, Complex-City Workshop, Tinbergen Institute, 5-6th December, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Vaz, E.; Koch, M.; Krisztin, T., (2011) “Of Cells and Cities: a Comparative Econometric and Cellular Automata Approach to Urban Growth Modeling”, 16th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society GeoMultimedia 2011, 18-22 May 2011, Essen, Germany

Pereira, L.N., Mendes, J.M. e Coelho, P.S. (2011)." Estimation of unemployment rates in small areas of Portugal: a best linear unbiased prediction approach versus a hierarchical Bayes approach". Proceedings of the 17th European Young Statisticians Meeting, 171-174, FCT-Universidade Nova de Lisboa. ISBN: 978-972-8893-27-9

Jesus, S. N., Imaginário, S., Duarte, J., Mendonça, S., Santos, J., Rus, C., & Lens, W. (2011). Meta-analysis of the studies about motivation and creative personality. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Creativity and Innovation. Faro: Universidade do Algarve, pp.72-85.

marca 2010

Marado, Catarina Almeida (2010), “Convents as urban elements: morphological analysis of cities in Southern Portugal”. ISUF 2010 - “Formation and Persistence of Townscape“. Proceedings of 17th ISUF Conference of the Internacional Seminar of Urban Form. Hamburg: Institute of Geography of the University of Hamburg. Disponível em:

Marado, Catarina Almeida and Correia, Miguel (2010), “The setting of architectural heritage in Portugal”. Amoêda, R.; Lira, S. and Pinheiro, C. Heritage 2010 - Heritage and sustainable development. Proceedings of the 2th Internacional Conference on Heritage and sustainable development. Barcelos: Green Lines Institute, 2010. vol.2, pp. 1015-1022.

Barreira, Ana Paula (2010) “Coastal areas also shrink: Main determinants for the case of southern Portugal”, Conference WSEAS 2010, University of Algarve, Faro, 3 - 5 November.

Covas, A. (2010)“Coesão territorial e governança multi-níveis”, Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Rurais, Cáceres, 37 pp.

Porfírio, José (2010), “Portugal, Corporate Strategy and Economic Divergence with European Union: a critique to the New Economic Geography principles”. Apresentação na Conferência Institutions and Social Change(s) in Southern European Societies, RN27- European Sociological Association/Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, Cascais, 1-2 de Outubro de 2010.

Porfírio, José and Pronto, João (2010), “eServices and Strategy in The Hospitality Industry: The Altis Hotels Business Case in Portugal”, 7th International Conference for Consumer Behaviour and Retailing Research - For Consumer Behaviour, Tourism and Retailing Research, ESHTE – Estoril, 7th - 9th April 2010

Beltrão, J. (2010), “Wastewater reuse in arid irrigated areas”. Lição Plenária do 4th WSEAS    International    Conference   on “Waste management, water pollution, air pollution, indoor climate”. Sousse, Tunísia. 3 – 5 de Maio de 2010.  (

Meyers, L.; Pintassilgo, P.; Beltrão, J.; Giesche, C. and Dionísio, L. (2010), “Tidal and spatial changes in nitrogen species in a coastal lagoon (south Portugal) related to anthropogenic effects”. 4th WSEAS    International    Conference   on “Waste management, water pollution, air pollution, indoor climate”. Sousse, Tunísia. 3 – 5 de Maio de 2010 (pp. 151-154).

Costa, M.; Beltrão, J.; Guerrero, C. and Brito, J. (2010), “Visual appearance of turfgrass under different water regimes”. 3rd WSEAS International Conference onClimate changes, global Warming and biological problems”. University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 3 – 5 de Novembro de 2010 (pp. 30-35).

Bekmirzaev, G.; Khamidov, M.; Beltrão, J. and Neves, M. A. (2010), “Salt removing crops in arid climate”. 3rd WSEAS International Conference on “Climate changes, global Warming and biological problems”. University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 3 – 5 de Novembro de 2010 (pp. 36-41).

Almeida, Maria do Rosário (2010), “Práticas de Comércio Electrónico” em co-autoria com Vasco Renato Gestosa da Silva, artigo publicado pela 5ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (IEEE), indexado pelo ISI, publicado na biblioteca digital Xplore e indexado pelo Inspec, 16 a 18 de Junho de 2010, Santiago de Compostela, Espanha.

Almeida, Maria do Rosário (2010),“Wikis as learning arenas” em co-autoria com Maria José Sousa, artigo publicado em Edulearn 2010 conference proceedings, 5 a 7 de Julho, Barcelona, Espanha. ISBN: 978-84-613-9386-2.

Almeida, Maria do Rosário (2010),“O Capital Humano no Ensino Superior a Distância em Portugal – passado e presente”em co-autoria com Luís Manuel Santa Mansos, artigo publicado no VIII Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de História da Educação, em S. Luís, Estado do Maranhão, no Centro de Convenções Pedro Neiva de Santana e no Multicenter Sebrae da Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA), 22 a 25 de Agosto de 2010, Brasil.

Almeida, Maria do Rosário (2010), “E-Work, Corporate Management and Sustainability: New Challenges, New Opportunnities” em co-autoria com José António Porfírio, WSEAS/ CIEO International Conference, 3 a 5 de Novembro, Faro.

Madeira, E.; Guerreiro, J.; Carvalho, A. (2010) “Public Policies for the Promotion of Horticulture: The Case of Algarve´s Citrus” in 50th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Jonkoping 19-23 August 2010.[964]

Madeira, E.; Guerreiro, J.; Carvalho, A. (2010) “Horticulture in Algarve: A Case Study for Sustainable Development”in WSEAS / CIEO International Conference, Faro, Algarve, Portugal 3-5 November 2010 [128 ] ISSN:1792-6092; ISBN: 978-960-474-244-8.

Jacquinet, M. (2010),“A importância da segurança e privacidade da informação. Análise do estudo elaborado pelo Estado para a implementação do registo de saúde electrónico”, Livro de Actas do Iº Congresso Internacional da Saúde Gaia–Porto, Porto e Vila Nova de Gaia, Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Saúde do Porto, em co-autoria, Setembro de 2010.

Finus, M. and Pintassilgo, P. (2010), “International Environmental Agreements under Uncertainty: Does the Veil of Uncertainty Help?” Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, University of Quebec, Montreal.

Panagopoulos, T. and Ferreira, V.(2010), "Decision support system for erosion risk assessment” in Latest Trends on Systems, Mastorakis, N., Mladenov, V., Bojkovic, Z, Eds. 14th Int. Conf. on Systems, Corfu, Greece July 22-25, 2010, pp: 76-80.

Ramos, B. and Panagopoulos, T., (2010), “Landscape evaluation as an integrant part of the rehabilitation process in urban landscapes” in 3rd. Conf. on Urban Planning and Transportation, Corfu, Greece July 22-25, 2010, pp: 123-128.

Jankovska, I.; Straupe, I. and Panagopoulos, T.( 2010), “Naturalistic forest landscape in urban areas: challenges and solutions” in 3rd. Conf. on Urban Planning and Transportation, Corfu, Greece July 22-25, 2010, pp: 21-26.

Beldade, J. and Panagopoulos, T. (2010).“Integrating esthetical and ecological values at the Central Asia landscape change. Forest Landscapes and Global Change-New Frontiers” in Management, Conservation and Restoration. Proceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology International Conference, September 21-27, 2010, Bragança, Portugal. J.C. Azevedo, M. Feliciano, J. Castro & M.A. Pinto (eds.), 2010, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Bragança, Portugal, pp: 340-345.

Loures, L.; Nunes, J. and Panagopoulos, T. (2010), “Learning by Experience: Using case study research towards the definition of a postindustrial redevelopment approach” in 3rd. Int. Conf. on Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainability, Faro, Portugal November 3-5, 2010, pp: 159-164.

Ferreira, V. and Panagopoulos, T. (2010), Soil erodibility assessment at the Alqueva dam watershed. 3rd. Int. Conf. on Climate Change, Global Warming, Biological Problems, Faro, Portugal November 3-5, 2010, pp: 112-118.

Ramos, B. and Panagopoulos, T.(2010), “Informing the rehabilitation process in urban landscapes” in 3rd. Int. Conf. on Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainability, Faro, Portugal November 3-5, 2010, pp: 94-98.

Berte, E. and Panagopoulos, T. (2010), “Linear infrastructures in complex landscapes: the case of a22 highway, Portugal” in 3rd. Int. Conf. in Climate Change, Global Warming, Biological Problems, Faro, Portugal November 3-5, 2010, pp: 76-84.

Jankovska, I. and Panagopoulos, T. (2010), “Challenges and prospects of urban allotments in Latvia and Portugal” in 3rd. Int. Conf. on Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainability, Faro, Portugal November 3-5, 2010, pp: 113-118.

Loures, L.; Panagopoulos, T. and Burley, J. (2010), “Postindustrial land transformation: from theory to practice and vice-versa” in 3rd. Int. Conf. on Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainability, Faro, Portugal November 3-5, 2010, pp: 153-158

Carrilho, Tiago (2010),“Desenvolvimento de competências em projectos locais de promoção do emprego”. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, ano 44-1, pp. 281-299.

Henriques, Cláudia e Moreira, Cristina; Figueiredo, José; Custódio, Mª João, “Tourism and Folk Dance in Portugal: A symbiotic Relationship?- Edwards, Jonathan; Vaughan, Roger, (2010), Destinations revisited – Proceedings of the ATLAS Conference, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 2007 – Part 2 – Attractions, The Netherlands, pp. 21-32

marca 2009

Covas, A., (2009), Cooperacion en Europa de Segunda Xeneracion, Redes e proximidade, Revista del Eixo Atlantico, Julio-Deciembre, nº 16, 2009

Leeuwen, E.S., Nijkamp, P. and Noronha Vaz M.T., (2009), “The multi-functional use of urban green space”, Research Memorandum 2009-42, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Covas, M. M. (2009), “Migrações, Integração e Diversidade: Que Respostas Europeias?”, I Congresso Internacional sobre Migrações, Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento Sociocultural, Faro, 30 e 31 de Janeiro de 2009.

Panagopoulos T. (2009), “From industrial to postindustrial landscapes – brownfield regeneration in shrinking cities”. In 2nd. Conf. on Urban Planning and Transportation, July 22-24,  Rodes Island, Greece

Covas, M.M. (2009), A nova ruralidade como problemática educacional e como oportunidade para o desenvolvimento: algumas reflexões a propósito, Actas do I Encontro Luso-Angolano em Economia, Sociologia e Desenvolvimento Rural, realizado na Universidade de Évora, de 16 a 18 de Outubro de 2008, Évora, pp. 227-250.

Covas, A. e Covas, M.M. (2009), “A ‘agrocultura glocal’: os produtos ‘glocais’ amigos do mundo rural”, in: Moreno, L.; Sánchez; M. M.; Simões, O. (Coord.) (2009), Cultura, Inovação e Território: o Agroalimentar e o Rural. Lisboa, SPER - Sociedade Portuguesa de Estudos Rurais, pp. __-__.Sem informação (Comunicação também apresentada no VII Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Rurais).

Moras Montiel R., Quintero Lira A., Figueira Ana, Güemes Vera N., Pimentel-González D. J., Campos Montiel R.G. (2009). Evolución Microbiológica de un Aditivo Nutracéutico a partir de lactosuero y una bacteria prebiótica. V Encuentro Académico Aprovechamiento Agroalimentario Integral. Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuárias, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Hidalgo, México, Novembro de 2009.

Panagopoulos T, Barreira, A.P. 2009. Os portais web na interface da política local com o cidadão no caso das autarquias do Algarve. In Eds. Rocha, A, Restivo, F., Reis, L, Torrão, S. 4ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 17-20 de Junho 2009, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, pp: 43-48. (ISBN: 978-989-96247-1-9), index to ISI of Knowledge.

Panagopoulos T, Andrade, R.R., Barreira, A.P., 2009. Citizen participation in city planning and public decision assisted with ontologies and 3D semantics. In Eds. Rocha, A, Restivo, F., Reis, L, Torrão, S. 4ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 17-20 de Junho 2009, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, pp: 167-172. (ISBN: 978-989-96247-1-9), index to ISI of Knowledge.

Porfírio, J., Carrilho, T. and Jaquinet, M. (2009). The concept of agricultural district and the question of rural development, Spatial and Organizational Dynamics – Discussion Papers, nº 1, Trimestrial Edition, September, pp. 43-61, CIEO – Research Center for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, University of Algarve ISSN : 1647-3183 (publicação electrónica), Algarve.

Almeida, M.R., (2009) “Integrated e-Marketing Communication: The Customer Perception”. Artigo publicado em CDROM por Academy of Marketing, University of Southampton – 4th International Conference on Higher Education Marketing. Guimarães, Universidade do Minho, 2009.

Almeida, M.R., (2009) “Aprendizagem em Ambiente Virtual – Um caso de sucesso”, em co-autoria com Helena Santos Rodrigues. Artigo publicado no livro de Actas da 4ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. Porto, 2009, pp. 469- 472.ISBN: 978-989-96247-0-2.

Almeida, M.R., (2009) “e-Commerce and e-Marketing course an e-Learning Experience”, International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies – EDULEARN09. Barcelona, 2009.

Almeida, M.R., (2009) “The influence of clients, as a dimension of the relational capital, on the product-process innovativeness” em co-autoria com Helena Santos Rodrigues. MSKE 2009: International Conference on Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy, (15-17 July 2009) Famalicão, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-640-046-6 Book.

Almeida, M.R., (2009) "O e-Learning em Organizações de Formação Profissional" em co-autoria com Luís Manuel Santa Mansos. Artigo publicado em livro de Actas e CDROOM por Conferência Ibero-Americana IADIS WWW-INTERNET 2009. Alcalá, Madrid., pp. 318-322. ISBN: 978-972-8924-91-1, ISBN: 978-972-8924-90-4.

Almeida, M.R., (2009) "Innovation Culture - The Key Competence", em co-autoria com Maria José Sousa. Abstract e artigo publicados por ICERI - International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. ICERI2009AbstractsCD, IBSN 978-84-613-2953-3. ICERI2009ProceedingsCD, ISBN 978-84-613-2955-7.

Panagopoulos T, Barreira, A.P. 2009. Os portais web na interface da política local com o cidadão no caso das autarquias do Algarve. In Eds. Rocha, A, Restivo, F., Reis, L, Torrão, S. 4th Iberic Conference of Systems and Information Tecnologies, 17 e 20 June 2009, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal,pp: 43-48. (ISBN: 978-989-96247-1-9).

Panagopoulos, T. 2009. Monitoring the Central Asia desert storms with WEb-GIS assistance. In Opp, C., Groll, M. (Eds) Dust & Sand Storm and Desertification, Philips University of Marburg, Germany, pp: 75-77.

Panagopoulos, T. 2009. The sublime beauty of deserts and sand storms. In Opp, C., Groll, M. (Eds) Dust & Sand Storm and Desertification, Philips University of Marburg, Germany, pp: 78-80.

Marques, J. F. “Racismo e Ciências Sociais; Um Balanço da Última Década”, Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho, Braga, 4,5,6 e 7 de Fevereiro de 2009.

Marques, J. F. e Borges, M. “Que educação inter/multicultural no jardim de infância. Os livros infantis e os seus estereótipos”, Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho, Braga, 4,5,6 e 7 de Fevereiro de 2009.

Jaquinet, M., “E-learning as a component of innovation policy and unleashing firm and worker competencies”, 23rd ICDE conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, World Conference on Open and Distance Learning including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference (M-2009), 12-13 June, 2009 ;

Jaquinet, M., “ E-learning, innovation and policy targeting in diverse, multicultural population in Portugal and the European Union ”, 23rd ICDE conference, Maastricht, Netherlands, World Conference on Open and Distance Learning including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference (M-2009), 12-13 June, 2009;

Jaquinet, M., “The problem of order and economic regulation : contributions from historical and economic sociology”, SASE 2008 Conference «Capitalism in crisis : What’s next ? », 16-17 de Julho de 2009, Paris;

Jaquinet, M., “From bubbles, financial and credit crises to regulation: The issue of innovation and the legal nexus”, SASE 2008 Conference «Capitalism in crisis : What’s next ? », 16-17 de Julho de 2009, Paris;

Jaquinet, M. e Cechella, C., “Entrepreneurship and FDI. A complementary explanation of innovative firm creation and expansion : An exploratory study of a Brazilian firm Dimep, European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Conference: “Territorial Cohesion of Europe and Integrative Planning”, 26-28 Agosto de 2009, CD-Rom ;

Jaquinet, M., “O e-governo como espelho do governo e a questão da cidadania: Uma perspectiva inacabada dum processo em curso”, IV Congreso de Cibersociedad 2009, Crise analógica, Futuro digital, 15-30 de Outubro de 2009;

Jaquinet, M., “From bubbles, financial and credit crises to regulation and back (over and over again): The problem of order, innovations and the legal nexus, EAEPE 2009 Conference, Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Economics, 6-9 November;

Jaquinet, M., “The problem of order and economic regulation: Contributions from historical and economic sociology, EAEPE 2009 Conference, Amsterdam, Amsterdam School of Economics, 6-9 November;

Finus, M. and P. Pintassilgo (2009). The Role of Uncertainty and Learning for the Success of International Environmental Agreements. Proceedings of the EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics) 17th Annual Conference. VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands), June 2009.

Finus M., R. Schneider, and P. Pintassilgo (2009). Spatial Allocation of Property Rights – the Case of International Fishery. Proceedings of the EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics) 17th Annual Conference. VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Netherlands), June 2009.

Leeuwen, E.S. van, Dekkers, J.E.C. & Rietveld, P. (2009, June 8). The development of a static farm-level spatial microsimulation model to analyse on- and off-farm activities of Dutch farmers; Presenting the research framework. Ottawa, Canada, the International Microsimulation Association Conference, IMA 2009. (VU)

Koster S., A.E. Brouwer and E.S. van Leeuwen (2009). Economic Diversity in Rural Neighbourhoods: An Empirical Analysis of the Netherlands. Presented at the 49th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International 25th to 29th August 2009 in Lodz, Poland.

marca 2008

Panagopoulos, T, Jesus, J., Blumberg, D. Orlovsky, L., 2008. Development of a web-based geographic information system for monitoring aeolian soil erosion in Aral Sea. Belgian Technical Cooperation, Ghent.

Vaz, M.T.N “The European production and trade of honey” in Vaz, M.T.N., Nijkamp, P. and Rastoin, J.L., (2008), Traditional Food Production facing Sustainability: A European Challenge, Pgs. 195 – 214, Pub: Ashgate, Economic Geography Series, London, United Kingdom.

Vaz, M.T.N. and Nijkamp, P (2008) “Large-scale production and market segmentation: an uneasy relationship” in Vaz, M.T.N., Nijkamp, P. and Rastoin, J.L., (2008), Traditional Food Production facing Sustainability: A European Challenge, Pgs. 267 – 276, Pub: Ashgate, Economic Geography Series, London, United Kingdom.

Vaz, M.T.N. and Nijkamp, P (2008) “The complex force field of traditional food systems: scoping the scene” in Vaz, M.T.N., Nijkamp, P. and Rastoin, J.L., (2008), Traditional Food Production facing Sustainability: A European Challenge, Pgs. 3 – 10, Pub: Ashgate, Economic Geography Series, London, United Kingdom.

marca 2007

Antunes, M. D. C., Neves, N., Curado, F., Rodrigues, S., Franco, J., Panagopoulos, T. (2007). “The Effect of Calcium Applications on Kiwifruit Quality Preservation during Storage”, Acta horticulturae, 753 (2), pp. 727 - 732.

Antunes, M. D. C., Oliveira, M., Teixeira, M., Veloso, A., Veloso, F., Panagopoulos, T. (2007). “Evaluation of the effect of complementary pollination on Actinidia deliciosa CV. «Hayward» in northwest Portugal”, Acta horticulturae, 753 (1), pp. 347 - 352.

Marques, J. F. (2007). “Les racistes c’est les autres ; sur les origines du mythe du «non-racisme» des Portugais”, Lusotopie, vol. XIV (1) mai, pp. 71 – 90.

Marques, J. F. (2007). “Los gitanos portugueses; marginalidad histórica e segregación contemporánea”, O Tchatchipen., Revista Trimestral de Investigación Gitana, nº 57, enero-marzo, pp. 22 – 38.

Marques, J. F. (2008). “Les «logiques» du racisme dans la société portugaise contemporaine”, Migrations – Société, numéro 115, janvier-février.

Panagopoulos, T., Rodrigues, S., Neves, N., Cruz, S., Antunes, D. (2007). “Decision support tools for optimising kiwifruit production and quality”, Acta horticulturae, 753 (1), pp. 407 - 414.

Other National Publications

marca 2017

Rosa, M., Gameiro, C., Rodrigues, J. & Alves, R.  (2017). Padrões de mobilidade e perceções ambientais da mulher em Faro. In Livro de atas do IX Congresso Português de Sociologia “Portugal, Território de Territórios” (pp. 1-19). Lisboa, Portugal: Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia. ISBN 978-989-97981-3-7.

marca 2016

Loures, A., Loures, L., Nunes, J. and Dias, S. (2016). Estratégias de recuperação de paisagens afetadas por incêndios florestais - Bases para a definição de uma abordagem metodológica. Seminário I&DT Cooperar para Inovar – C3I – IPP. 830-859.

marca 2015

Nunes, J., Loures, L. and Pineiro, A. (2015). “Caracterização e cartografia dos solos do perímetro de rega do Caia – uma abordagem metodológica”. In I Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias. p. 71. IPB. Bragança.

Covas, A. and Covas, M. M. (2015). “Os Territórios-Rede: A inteligência territorial da 2ª Ruralidade”, Vez e Voz 2015 - Edição Especial (II Fórum do Interior). pp. 94-101. O II Fórum do Interior foi co-organizado com a Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), subordinado ao tema: Pensar e Agir para a Sustentabilidade dos Territórios de Baixa Densidade. Março 2015. ISSN: 1646-852X.

marca 2012

Domínguez Gómez, José Andrés; Relinque, F. (2012). "Redes sociales: efecto amortiguador en la integración de la población inmigrante". Congresso Portugues de Sociologia. Crise, sociedade e reconfiguraçoes. Oporto "La cuestión social en la agricultura de alta dependencia: análisis de redes de riesgos e impactos

Domínguez Gómez, José Andrés; Burgos Serrano, Emilio J.; Relinque Medina, Fernando (2012). "La burbuja inmobiliaria en el turismo rural. Análisis socioambiental de riesgos e impactos". Congresso Portugues de Sociologia. Crise, sociedade e reconfiguraçoes. Oporto

Gualda Caballero, E.; Domínguez Gómez, J.A. (2012). "Foreigner students in the Andalusian compulsary educational system: acces and integration".  Congresso Portugues de Sociologia. Crise, sociedade e reconfiguraçoes. Oporto

Sequeira, B. D., Serrano A. M., Marques J.F. (2012). “Gestão do Conhecimento em Organizações Turísticas, VIIº Congresso Português de Sociologia – Sociedade Crise e Reconfigurações, disponível em

Santos, S. A. e Marques, J.F. (2012). “O Rendimento Social de Inserção e os Beneficiários Ciganos: O Caso do Concelho de Faro“, VIIº Congresso Português de Sociologia – Sociedade Crise e Reconfigurações, disponível em

marca 2011

Covas, A. (2011) “Um novo contrato social com o mundo agro-rural, elementos para uma nova política agroecológica, o decálogo dos bens de mérito e reputação”. Revista on-line Chão Urbano, Ano XI, nº1, Março/Abril, 2011

Covas, M. (2011) “Repensar a Família de Hoje na Perspectiva dos Valores, dos Objectivos de Vida e da Gestão dos Recursos”. In Leandro, M. (Coord.). “Laços Familiares e Sociais”. Volume Único: 119-148. Psicosoma. Viseu. ISBN: 978-972-8994-31-0

Porfirio, J. (2011) I Congresso Internacional: Família, Educação e Desenvolvimento no Séc. XXI – Olhares Interdisciplinares, 03-04 de Junho de 2011, Centro de Congressos da Câmara Municipal de Portalegre

Porfirio, J. (2011) Seminário de Investigação: Método, Teoria e Prática da Pesquisa, 28 de Setembro de 2011, ESEL, Polo Maria Fernanda Resende

Porfirio, J. (2011) Seminário sobre Empreendedorismo e Desenvolvimento Local, Cantanhede, 31 de Maio de 2011

Porfirio, J. II Seminário Internacional sobre Interculturalidade(s), Comunicação e Desenvolvimento – Dinâmicas de Educação, Saúde e Gestão, Loures, 27-28 de Maio de 2011

marca 2010

Barreira, Ana Paula (2010), “Citizens’ voice as a device for political choices”in Conference GIRA, ISCTE, Lisboa, 9 e 10 de Setembro.

Barreira, Ana Paula, (2010) “Spatial strategic interaction of Portuguese local government expenditures: the case of Algarve municipalities “ in V Workshop da APDR - Casos de Desenvolvimento Regional, Coimbra, 8 de Fevereiro

Covas, A. (2010), “Os futuros do mundo rural português, de espaço produtor a espaço produzido: mercados emergentes e neo-rurais” in IV Congresso de Estudos Rurais, Aveiro, 10pp.

Covas, A. e Covas, M. (2010),“Herdades, Montes e Quintas: modelos de negócio em espaço rural, reflexões preliminares” in IV Congresso de Estudos Rurais, Aveiro, 10pp

Castela, E. e P. Galindo (2010), “Inferencia Ecológica para la Caracterización de Abstencionistas: El Caso de Portugal” inDiscussion Papers edited by CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics. Quantitative Methods Applied to Social Sciences, 3, pp. 6-25. University of Algarve.

Castela, E. (2010), “A análise Importância-Desempenho na gestão de unidades hoteleiras do Algarve: Uma contribuição multidimensional para a melhoria do processo de apoio à decisão” in Conferência Internacional INVTUR - Investigação em turismo: O estado da arte e perspectivas de future, realizada entre 10 e 13 de Março na Universidade de Aveiro. Em co-autoria com Silva, N.T e Castela, G.

Beltrão, J.; Hamidov, A. and Neves, M. A. (2010). “Técnicas para o controlo sustentável dos efeitos da salinidade nos solos regados”in 3º Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem. COTR – Centro Operativo de Técnicas de Rega. Beja (19 a 20 de Maio de 2010). (Texto apresentado em CD-R).

Almeida, Maria do Rosário (2010), “O Capital Humano no Ensino Superior a Distância Português, com os PALOP” em co-autoria com Luís Manuel Santa Mansos, artigo publicado no Congresso “Portugal e os PALOP: cooperação na área da educação”, no ISCTE/IUL - Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa / Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, organizado pelo CEA – Centro de Estudos Africanos, do ISCTE/IUL, 29 e 30 de Março de 2010, em Lisboa.

Almeida, Maria do Rosário (2010), “O Capital Humano e o Ensino Superior a Distância, com os PALOP”, em co-autoria com Luís Manuel Santa Mansos, artigo publicado no 7º Congresso Ibérico de Estudos Africanos (CIEA7), no ISCTE/IUL - Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa / Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, organizado pelo CEA – Centro de Estudos Africanos, do ISCTE/IUL, de 9 a 11 de Setembro de 2010, em Lisboa.

Madeira, E.; Guerreiro, J. and Carvalho, A. (2010), “Estratégias Técnicas e Institucionais para o Desenvolvimento da Citricultura Algarvia – O caso da IGP “Citrinos do Algarve” in Discussion Papers edited by CIEO – Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics - Environment and Land Use Management,  nº 4, October, CIEO/UAlg

Madeira, E.; Guerreiro, J. and Carvalho, A. (2010), “Estratégias Técnicas e Institucionais para o Desenvolvimento da Citricultura Algarvia. O Caso da IGP-“Citrinos do Algarve”in IV Congresso da Associação Portuguesa da Economia Agrária (APDEA), Ponta Delgada, Açores; Portugal, 15-17 Julho de 2010 [ID 45]

marca 2009

Covas, M.M. (2009), Desafios e problemas das famílias com membros doentes/deficientes: tópicos para o planeamento de acções de intervenção social e comunitária, In: Ricardo Vieira, Cristóvão Margarido e Maura Mendes (Org.) Diferenças, Desigualdades, Exclusões e Inclusões, Actas do Congresso de Serviço Social realizado em Leiria (ESE-IPL), em 28 e 29 de Abril de 2005, comunicação integrada no Painel 4: Doença e Deficiência: o direito à diferença.

Carrilho, T. (2009) «Construção de parcerias em projectos locais de promoção do emprego – um estudo de caso de três projectos locais» in  XIII Encontro Nacional de SIOT, Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais de Sociologia Industrial, das Organizações e do Trabalho (edição on-line), Lisboa.

Carrilho, T. and Jaquinet, M e Bernardo, M. R. (2009) «O e-learning e o curso de Gestão da Universidade Aberta – impacto e expectativas dos alunos», in XIII Encontro Iberoamericano de Educação Superior a Distância, Universidade Aberta (edição on-line), Lisboa.

Carrilho, T. (2009) «O papel das políticas sociais e de emprego na reformulação do Estado-providência», in: 7º Congresso Nacional da Administração Pública, Instituto Nacional de Administração (edição em CD-ROM), Lisboa

Jaquinet, M., “Governo Electrónico e Administração Electrónica: do discurso às práticas”, apresentado no VII Congresso de Administração Pública (INA), Outubro de 2009, Lisboa.

Jaquinet, M., “Regulação: Evolução recente e desafios presente”, apresentado no VII Congresso de Administração Pública (INA), 10-11 de Novembro de 2009, Lisboa.

Jaquinet, M., “Transformações do comércio e da regulação do vinho do Porto: entre crises e procura de soluções políticas (1756-1868)”, Encontro XXIX da APHES, Porto, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 13-14 de Novembro de 2009

Gomez, J.A., “Salud laboral de las inmigrantes senegalesas, con contrato en origen, durante la recogida de la fresa en Huelva”. Reunión de la sociedad española de epidemiología (27) (nº 27. 2009), Zaragoza

Gomez, J.A., “Jubilación vs Viudedad. Factores de riesgo para la población andaluza”. Congreso sobre el desarrollo académico y profesional de la enfermería: niveles de competencias y ámbito académico. (1) (nº 1. 2009), Huelva

marca 2008

Marado, Catarina Almeida, “A propósito da “envolvente” do património construído: o caso do antigo convento capucho de Loulé”, Revista do Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Loulé - Al-'ulyã, n.º 12, Loulé: Câmara Municipal de Loulé, 2008, pp. 131-141.

Marado, Catarina Almeida, “Os frades capuchos no Reino do Algarve: processo de instalação e tipologia de localização”, Anais do Município de Faro. Vol.s XXXIII-XXXIV (2003-2004), Faro: Câmara Municipal de Faro, 2008, pp. 12-27, ISSN 0871-0872.


last update may-2018

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